Carb rebuild time


New member
Sep 27, 2008
Hello all. My wife rides a 01 sx700 and i want to rebuild the carbs on it. I went to the dealer to get the kit and was informed that i had to buy it part by part and they did not offer any type of kit. This does not seem right to me what do you guys think? Im pretty sure they are TM33's. Does anyone know where i could find the kit ?? Thanks in advance.
There really isnt a kit to rebuild the carbs. The only thing you need to do each year is make sure your carbs are clean. Check the pilot jets, main jets, for blockages. When you have those out, spray some carb cleeaner in the passages that fuel goes through.
I have an issue at and just off idle it runs like crap. When i bought it I noticed it was too rich at idle and would load up. I found the air screws set too far out so i set them to 1 1/2 turns out where the manual says to be. Now it seems too lean and I cant get the idle speed to where i want it. Compression test is good all at 120psi. Cant find an air leak anywhere I thought a rebuild would be in order as i have cleaned them allready. What do you all think??
sounds like your pilot jets are clogged.

If you flip the choke on and the problem is remedied, you for sure have clogged pilots.

also check to see if the choke is working properly and is turning off all the way like its suppose to
It will idle up too high a quick shot of the choke and it will slow down for a few seconds then it speeds back up again.
did you try to clean the carbs? all the circuits, pilots and mains?

Dirty carbs do some weird things.

linemech31 said:
Hello all. My wife rides a 01 sx700 and i want to rebuild the carbs on it. I went to the dealer to get the kit and was informed that i had to buy it part by part and they did not offer any type of kit. This does not seem right to me what do you guys think? Im pretty sure they are TM33's. Does anyone know where i could find the kit ?? Thanks in advance.
If the carbs are not dirty,make sure the float level is perfectly level. also these carbs are known for "twisting" and that makes them out of sync.Make sure all the throttle plates are in sync. This is very noticable at idle and low speeds.It will feel almost like its dropping a cyl at idle.
linemech31 said:
How do you check for twisting?

You most likely have dirty carbs, clean them re install, How is your airbox??
modified at all??
If you look in the tech pages here it will show you how to sync your carbs, If they are off.

Make sure you have factory pilots and mains in the carbs when you clean them, You never know what the previous owner did to it.

I have had jets that had been drilled out to flow more fuel even, Having the factory number still stamped on it. Took me a while to figure that one out... Be methodical and youll fix it.
I pulled the carbs back off and went step by step with the carb cleaning 101 post. I then placed the carbs on a level surface and there is no twist at all. Put it all back togheter and it idles too fast. I adjusted the idle down as low as it would go and sprayed carb cleaner around the boots looking for an air leak it did not change at all. If i give it a quick shot of the sleds choke it slows down for a minute then back to 2500rpms. It seems like it would run better if i backed the idle screws out to two turns but the spec is 1 1/2. The plugs are a bit on the light side. The slides are closeing with no binding. I am stumped and have no idea what to do next.
you may very well have to turn the fuel screws out some more, not uncommon. The spec given by yamaha is sometimes lean, a 1/4 turn out (richer)can solve alot of issues with this. The screws on the bottom are fuel screws, not air screws, by turning them out you richen up the idle and low speed.
I am now at 1 3/4 all is well. It was driving me nuts. It about 1400 rpms nnw and spec is 1500-1700 But ill wait till its cold out to adjust the speed if needed. Plugs are a bit wet but its 65f outside. Thanks for the help you guys have saved me from the dealer again
