powder coat removal


VIP Lifetime Member
May 5, 2003
St George,New Brunswick,Canada
I'm going through the process of going over my SC10 II skid and am replacing any worn bushings etc and have noticed the arms are a bit nicked up so I thought I'd sandblast and paint them.Well I'll tell you one thing it's alot easier said than done as the sandblasting cabinet I was using didn't hardly touch the original finish.What other ways is there to remove powder coat?Will chemical paint strippers work on this type of finish?I know that a wire wheel and a drill or grinder will do the trick but there's alot of nooks to negotiate.
Im going to wish you good luck removing that powder coat. You WILL need it. I had my case covers on my dirtybike pc'ed. I wanted it a different color a year or so later, and it took my industrial sandblaster to remove it.

Some approx specs on my sandblaster are:

600 lb sand pot
180 psi
ran by a diesel 6 cylinder compressor
2" dia hose
1/2" dia tip

Its a pretty heavy duty setup and it still had a tough time eating through the pc.

Hope it helps!
i used some stripper i bought at walmart to strip the powder coat off some trailing arms 15 to minuites and it blistered off and a second time to get all ....i used a hook knife to scrape alittle but some aircraft stripper should work well to ....
Burn it off with a torch or hot oven then go over it with the sandblaster. This will work if the parts are not heat sensitive. Dont used this method on springs bacause the heat can affect spring rates etc. other wise, if you have access to a industrial shot blaster w/ rubber belt opposed to the steal ones. throw your parts in there, I can say for how long, all depends on how good of a coat is on the parts. Springs can be done using this method because no heat is involved.
You used to be able to buy differant grits of sand and black metal filelings whitch i found to be the best at removeing paint from rims with a sandblaster.
