I'm pumped! Who's going?
Im going friday night and maybe Saturday...
VIP Member
Friday night for me as well!!!
Saturday, for the family and Me.
New member
Saturday Afternoon for us!
My friends family owns Snowmobile USA who puts on the show.
She's always interested in suggestions on how to make the show better and how to get more people to come.
Any ideas?
My friends family owns Snowmobile USA who puts on the show.
She's always interested in suggestions on how to make the show better and how to get more people to come.
Any ideas?
VIP Member
It's a tough one. They charge so much for the small spaces it makes it hard for the smaller vendors to show up. That being the case you get more and more larger vendors with the same stuff, and less smaller ones with cool accessories, or new products. I don't know what the smallest space goes for these days, but you have to sell a lot of product to even break even unless you have really good margins. There is also the advertising side...but still the prices seem steep for the little guy.
Grass drags always seems to be a good thing. Bigger swap meet area, with less cost to the sellers.
I'm in Friday night! can't wait! More vendors would be nice, it seems like all the go fast aftermarket guys are gone.
Woodydog said:Saturday Afternoon for us!
My friends family owns Snowmobile USA who puts on the show.
She's always interested in suggestions on how to make the show better and how to get more people to come.
Any ideas?
Funny you should ask...
The FIRST thing that they should do is give a DISCOUNT to members of snowmobile clubs. Total no-brainer. As it is, the show to me is nothing more than an effort to put money in Tom Anderson's pocket, or whoever it is these days.
Then, they should sponsor a race team, if they don't already. Or, seem interested in snowmobiling the other 350 days a year.
Next, advertise a lot in Wisconsin Snowmobile News, not just one time in Snogoer.
Then maybe do some radio spots in Milwaukee and Chicago. When the dealers used to have the snow-check shows at the Crystal Lake Holiday Inn, they used to run radio ads for a few weeks before.
Door prizes or a free raffle ticket with admission would be cool, too.
Yeah I agree with Blkhwkbob. You need to have more advertising, a lot of the guys I ride with didnt even know there was a snow show this year. They thought is was cancelled for some reason. If you want to do radio or print advertising send me a PM I can help you out with a great place.
And door prizes exactly! For the 9 bucks we pay to get in I want a chance to win something.!
And door prizes exactly! For the 9 bucks we pay to get in I want a chance to win something.!
New member
Blkhwkbob said:Funny you should ask...
The FIRST thing that they should do is give a DISCOUNT to members of snowmobile clubs. Total no-brainer. As it is, the show to me is nothing more than an effort to put money in Tom Anderson's pocket, or whoever it is these days.
Then, they should sponsor a race team, if they don't already. Or, seem interested in snowmobiling the other 350 days a year.
Next, advertise a lot in Wisconsin Snowmobile News, not just one time in Snogoer.
Then maybe do some radio spots in Milwaukee and Chicago. When the dealers used to have the snow-check shows at the Crystal Lake Holiday Inn, they used to run radio ads for a few weeks before.
Door prizes or a free raffle ticket with admission would be cool, too.
It is a business for the Anderson's so of course they are going try to make money at it. They also started a Snowmobiling Hall of Fame in Eagle River right near the Derby track that has free admission, celebrating individuals who have done right by snowmobiling and that have tried to advance the sport, so they do care about snowmobiling and snowmobilers year round!
The advertising thing is a double edge sword, the more they advertise, the more money they have to recoup, so the more they would probably have to charge for the booths, what do you do there?
The discount to snowmobile club members is a great idea. She asked me about that and I thought she was going to do something with it? Maybe there is one at the door, I don't know?
Thanks for your input, it's appreciated! I forwarded the ideas on to her.
Perhaps and ad on a well visited snowmobile web site that caters to an exceptionally well rounded group of individuals that ride, say, Yamahas?
Also discounts and free raffel tickets to elderly overweight bearded white guys in the nude.
Also discounts and free raffel tickets to elderly overweight bearded white guys in the nude.
I'll be there tonight. If you see me introduce yourself.
Judgeing by the weather, I'll probaly be wearing my Yamaha jacket liner and a snowtech hat....And I'm a baby boomer. hint hint.
Judgeing by the weather, I'll probaly be wearing my Yamaha jacket liner and a snowtech hat....And I'm a baby boomer. hint hint.
New member
Snowmobile USA already advertises a bunch. When they did a club mailing last year to 600 clubs offering a discount to club members, only about 50 club members took advantage of it. So it wasn't done this year.
They also put an add on totallyamaha.com
They also put an add on totallyamaha.com
New member
i was there, always fun to go every year i went, got some replacement parts for my trailer, and talked with the yamaha girls a little bit.