New member
Hi, I have a 99 Vmax 500 and I was looking to get 2 gallons of Yamalube online. My closest dealer is over 30 mins away( I live in Iowa...) So is there anywhere on the net I can get some Yamalube 2 Stroke oil online? Should I use 2S or 2R also...
Man I would Use amsoil. I've used Yamalube in my SRX since I've had it (2000), and last year I changed to Amsoil! Man what a difference. The amount or lack of smoke, Smell was awesome. Performance was good with it, and overall Great Idea!
New member
I'm only 16, I dont have the money lying around to rack out 30-40+$ for ONE gallon of oil that does the same thing as anyother oil. Does anyone have a link to some 2 stroke Penzoil Snowmobile oil or another cheap but realiable oil in Gallons that I can buy on the internet.
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being it does not have power valves i dont see the reason to run high dollar oil ....
New member
Niether Do I^ But all there is around here is Supertech from walmart and Multi Purpose Outdoor 2 Cycle Penzoil....And some SnowMaxx from The Holiday station way over priced...Think the Penzoil is safe to run? Its TCW III rated
Try to buy the Yamalube if you can't get Amsoil...other oils might be ok to run but I won't do it. With todays economy manufacters go cheap on there products, at least with the top brands you feel a little safer.....JMO....
VIP Member
I would run the 2s Yamalube,you can buy it online from Shadtree Powersports heres a link to the Yamalube:
i agree about not going cheaper ....but i know i have herd turk say in non srx you can run the cheap gas and the cheapest oil ...might ask him what he thinks of walmart oil
I've ran the cheap oil in a older john deere sled for years, It has always ran ok, But you do get what you pay for, ring wear was noticable, and the excessive smoking, It did not have power valves of course or high compression. I would should for something middle of the road... The yamalube 2S would be a good oil.
Active member
my buddy ran walmart 2 stroke oil by the gallon thru his 13000 mile sxr 700 - 8.95 a gallon.
he ran 3-4 gallons of it. save your $ and go to wal mart.
he ran 3-4 gallons of it. save your $ and go to wal mart.
New member
Use the walmart oil it is just as good as YAMALUBE! I now run amsoil synthetics in my 07 apex. However I used to run yamalube in my srx7 till I rebuilt it (lots of wear) and ran amsoil ever since.
Where is Gary when ya need him!
Do some searching and reading on oils. Search NOSBOY and you will plenty of reading to do. This guy is passionate when it comes to oils! LOL!
Just me 2 cents.
Where is Gary when ya need him!
Do some searching and reading on oils. Search NOSBOY and you will plenty of reading to do. This guy is passionate when it comes to oils! LOL!
Just me 2 cents.
New member
30 min ride for oil is nothing,,,you'll be saving shipping too,gas isn't $4.00 anymore..
30 min ride for oil is nothing,,,you'll be saving shipping too,gas isn't $4.00 anymore..
I thought I read on here once that almost all the non-synthetic 2 stroke oil is made by 1 or 2 suppliers, and is basically all the same thing. But I may very well be wrong.
I've had very good luck with the oil that the local hardware store sells - it's supposed to be made for powersports stuff, doesn't smoke too badly, and the powervalve buildup isn't too bad. I forget the name of it though. Amsoil synthetic is great and there are many reasons to use it but it's expensive. So I guess it's a tradeoff. I figure my oil is at least as good as yamalube anyway.
I've had very good luck with the oil that the local hardware store sells - it's supposed to be made for powersports stuff, doesn't smoke too badly, and the powervalve buildup isn't too bad. I forget the name of it though. Amsoil synthetic is great and there are many reasons to use it but it's expensive. So I guess it's a tradeoff. I figure my oil is at least as good as yamalube anyway.
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New member
I ran Wal-Mart (PenzOil) oil in my Sea-Doos all summer,(2 720's, and a 800) and haven't had any trouble. I will probably be running it inn my Viper too. 

Life Member
PM sleddheadd and ask about the Amoil Preferred Customer plan. you can get HP Injector for around $25.00. Much better then any conventional oil.
Plus he is a sponsor on this site..
PM sleddheadd and ask about the Amoil Preferred Customer plan. you can get HP Injector for around $25.00. Much better then any conventional oil.
Plus he is a sponsor on this site..
New member
i like having peace of mind i'm running good oil through my motor, and the amount the srx uses, a gallon will last a while depending on how much you ride....
Phazerbill, snowmobiling is an expensive sport, get used to it. go quality! 30 dollars ain't $hit!
at least use yamalube, not some wal-mart junk!
Phazerbill, snowmobiling is an expensive sport, get used to it. go quality! 30 dollars ain't $hit!
at least use yamalube, not some wal-mart junk!
New member
I'd bet that walmart "junk" and yamalube come from the same storage container!
Just a different sticker. If you think that yamalube has some magic ingredients in it then use it, its your money dude.
Just a different sticker. If you think that yamalube has some magic ingredients in it then use it, its your money dude.
Another option . . .
Injex is a good oil for those on a really tight budget. It is cheaper than Yamalube and I know a number of people who have had good luck with it in non-PV engines.
Injex is a good oil for those on a really tight budget. It is cheaper than Yamalube and I know a number of people who have had good luck with it in non-PV engines.
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New member
I would save your money and buy what ever is the cheapest by you.I have run walmart and citgo sea,snow, and they worked as good as the expensive yamalube,amsoil,blue marble etc. in the non.powervalve motor's.
I always buy my lube on line.
It saves me the embarassament of having to carry a case of the stuff to the counter at the drug store. Just make sure you get it from a company that doesn't put it's name on the packaging. If you go through 373 ounces of Astroglide a month it's none of the UPS guys business.
Oh wait you said Yamalube.
It saves me the embarassament of having to carry a case of the stuff to the counter at the drug store. Just make sure you get it from a company that doesn't put it's name on the packaging. If you go through 373 ounces of Astroglide a month it's none of the UPS guys business.
Oh wait you said Yamalube.