136" VS 144" ??


New member
Dec 27, 2005
Bend, OR
Okay, if your re-building a sled that will be used for "boondocking",
would ya use a 136" track or go to the 144" ??

Note: This is being built on a 93 Exciter SX Chassis so it will have the
good ole "pogo stick" front end although I am using Vmax 4 struts which will lift the SX front end by 3.5" over stock. It will not be very stock when it is done, thats for sure!!

Motor is a 700 Hauck big bore twin with Hauck twin pipes, lots of bottom end grunt.

A) Not worried about top end speed.This will not be a screamer. Just want to play off trail with something that is light & somewhat agile while still riding on
"old iron"

B) 80% off trail use, playing in the trees & powder.

C) How does the longer track effect the turning ability? Will the extra 8" of track make that much difference in the turning?
Dont want a "tank" for turning..already got that with my Vmax4 ST!! :bump:

D) Am considering a 1.5" track

E) Any rough idea as to how much wieght difference is there would be between the 136" & a 144" the track & the skid combo's ??

Have not purchased the rear skid or track yet as i am debating which way to go!!

Yes, this is a bit of a crazy project...but I have always liked the old Exciter chassis & figure with this motor & a new skid ...& a few other "tweaks", it might turn out to be a fun ride!! ;)!

Thanks for any input & thoughts here!!

144 if you r doing mostly off-trail. i ride a 136 warrior and a 136 viper and they are just ok off trail. A 144 would be much better. Ru you running wider ski's for floatation??
136 on that sled works great. I would only go 144 if you are going in deep snow, or trying to climb a lot.
in a boondocking situation, i cant tell the difference from a 141, 144 or 151. could be riding style, but track lenghth has never affected the ability to point and shoot through the trees. as you well know, longer tracks work better in deep or loose snow. not enough weight difference from 136 to 144 to notice, depending on track manufacturer, and window configuration. how about splitting the difference and go with a cheap 141? relocate the skid back 2.5" if your running the 136 skid that was on the sx. easy and cheap. find a yoko take off, cut the lugs down to 1 1/2", remove about every third or fourth lug, and have a custom track that rips, and also lightens up the heavy yoko track. you can spend about 2 hours porting it and shave an extra pound, based on 1 1/8" holes. i can give you more details on the relocate if your interested.
Hey snowdad:
Those are some good ideas I may consider.

Am leaning towards a whole newer skid set up, like a RX-1, Viper etc.
and a 1.250-1.500 camoplast predater track.
Will be looking at stuff this weekend in Puyallup swap meet.

I will be putting on powder skis too.

Will probably sell-part out the skid that is on the SX & also sell the track.

racerrob6m said:
Hey snowdad:
Those are some good ideas I may consider.

Am leaning towards a whole newer skid set up, like a RX-1, Viper etc.
and a 1.250-1.500 camoplast predater track.
Will be looking at stuff this weekend in Puyallup swap meet.

I will be putting on powder skis too.

Will probably sell-part out the skid that is on the SX & also sell the track.

How did your project turn out?
I am thinking of updating my 1992 570 l/c from 131 1 1/2 track to 136 big ten suspension off of a polaris.
i rebuilt engine last fall, has mess ton power, just not quite good enough in powder.(in powder my 500 indy kicks crap out of yammy, with less power, only dif between the polaris, and exciter is the rear suspension.
I love how light it is, throttle response, and that AWESOME sound it makes!
i think that were the track has been changed to 1 1/2 track i will have no problem putting it in.

any thoughts, pros, cons, suggestions?
