wish I had some extra $$$


New member
Nov 18, 2005
I still miss this sled, I had mine brand new way back, and 2 aresholes smashed into me at a trail intersection, destroyed it with onlt 1200K on it, and destroyed my desire to snowmobile for quite a few years

I loved watching people with 600's etc cry when this bullet 570 would snack on them

For anyone in central Ontario in need, Id be all over this one

yeah those Exciters sure can cruise!!!! Its built on that extremely light-weight Phazer Chassis with a 570 liquid engine in it, how fast could your old one go before those guys destroyed it?
it would get to 100MPH on a good lake run, but the light weight, and fun-to-drivedness was the best part.

Also the stunning looks compared to any other '93 didnt hurt!!!
I sure miss my exIIsx too!
It was ported and I was radared at 105 with her. I thought that was pretty fast for an ol 93 570! Suprised a lot of guys in the twisties too, none of my buds could ever keep up with their 800-900's. Lake of course they'd get me, but on the lake most $$$ spent usually wins. Sold it to a friend and he racked it around a tree! He was drunk.
yeah, fond but painful memories....cant beat a friggin yammy though eh?? Looks, performance, dominance!!

I still get asked about my SRX, and its a 99, but do I mind?? NO WAY!
I used to have an '89 Exciter when I was about 15. It's the sled that I learned on. Never knew anything about sleds at that time. Messed around with it I don't know how many times and it always had a huge bog in the midrange. I bet now I could get her rippin' in 2 hours. LOL
I remember my SX, bought her brand new, put on a single pipe(Aaen) and some clutching and embarrassed a 96 600 XCR tripple of a buddy of mine, was he pissed. I tried a set of twin PSI pipes on it but it ran better with the single. I sold it when the 98 SRX7 came out. The guy I sold it to ran it into a tree, I could of cried.
Ok, so everyone send me 100 bucks, and I'll go get it, remove that horrible 2-up and return it to its previous glory....LOL

Its only 45 mins from where I live...
