I had to fight to get my power valve nearest the exhaust pipe out last night. Then while cleaning the slide, it felt a bit wobbley than seperated, (fell out) of the housing.
As much as I can tell, the slide is fine, as is the cable.(still has the head on it, no sign of wear)
The cable "wants" to stay recessed in the housing. How do I coax it back out for reattachement to the slide
As much as I can tell, the slide is fine, as is the cable.(still has the head on it, no sign of wear)
The cable "wants" to stay recessed in the housing. How do I coax it back out for reattachement to the slide

if i understand you correctly the cable end is up inside the housing making it to were you cant connect powervalve to the cable ? if so you have the servo marked ...so you turn it to get cable ends out ...hook them up and turn servo back to the mark ....than adjust them making sure the marks are lined up on servo ...