Retrax Wheels And Kickstand


New member
Nov 23, 2007
hey guys i have been looking at these for 3 years now and would really like a set but i was wondering if anyone has used them ? i was thinking of making my own set ..i have never seen anyone with these to ask how they like them ....and the kickstand thay make would be sweet with the wheels .....i was just worried with olny one wheel on one side of each ski it might fold over or break ....i imagine the wheel itself would hold up gotta be close to asfault wheels ....any input would be great ....local riding here can get pretty bare in spots 100 to 200 yard streches across bridges and bare spots says 5 mph but i know they test to higher speeds ....
I have a set of retrax. They are specifically for an Arctic Cat but fit pretty well on my '97 Vmax. They mount to the bolt that runs thru your ski spindle. I don't think I have any pictures of them on my sled though.

If your interested in them I would be willing to sell them. From what I remember they were pretty pricey some where around $200.

Now not to knock them or anything but there are some benefits but also quite a few drawbacks.

Specifically the biggest drawback is in deep powder they plow thru the show causing you to get pretty wet by the end of the day. On a groomed packed trail they stay up and out of the way.

They are also made with standard steel. Eventually everything will rust.

One good point is that your sled is a breeze to move around on solid ground. Be it your driveway, the road (though stopping and putting them down to cross the street is likely going to piss off your fellow riders) or most importantly your trailer. I enjoyed being able to roll my reverse-less snowmobile down my tilt trailer without the usual grunting.

I can't remember ever going fast with them down. Walking speeds at best.
Those things look pretty cool, I've never seen that before. In the video from the link Yamahead put up it looks like some of them are actuated by a solenoid or something so you dont have to actually get off your sled. I would have to assume those would be alittle more pricey though.

I dont get the Kickstand thing tho... How do you put a kickstand on a snowmobile...I'm confused... :itchy:
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If I remember correctly, the stand is used to crank the rear suspension off the ground for track warm-up. Simular to a road bike stand.
Have you looked at They are from Canada, but they allow you to drive at a higher speed on them and they retract automatically when you hit the snow.
Those look pretty cool. They definately seem better than those retrax. Either way, those seem like they would be a pretty good investment..... maybe one day.....go fast parts take priority for now.
This past winter I rode a Skidoo XP with retraxs and loved the idea. The places I used them most was at large paved gas stations. My only compliant was when I went off trail with the sled. The wheels would throw snow everywhere including on the hood and in my face.
FYI they are strong, had the sled doing 50mph across a parking lot. LOL
The wheels on the Skiwheelz have a lifetime warranty. They seem a little pricey for me too. I'll try without this season and maybe the wife can buy me the Skiwheelz for my birthday or something.
