head gasket mod


New member
Oct 11, 2003
Winnipeg Manitoba
I have a 8mm head gasket for my 97 Venture 600 twin But I am wondering if it is really worth taking apart a motor that is running good just for that .Does it do any thing to gas consumption ?Betteror worse?

Yes, it's worth it. Not a big horse power gain, but much better throttle response. While your in there, have the pistons been replaced with the updated ones yet? 97s had a problem with the pin that keeps the ring from rotating falling out. Pin falls out, then the ring twists, then hangs in a port and its all down hill from there. I found out about this one the hard way. :cry:
My bud's 600 does pretty good now with the thin head gasket, for mpg.

It helped his pep up quite a bit too. Good luck!

On the pistons, he went ahead and put in 98 spec pistons, only to have one of those lose a pin a waste a jug! Talk about irony, jeesh. He's now running Wisecos, which is probably what I'd do too.
I did my head gasket today ,I went with the 8mm, I also replaced the pto side piston as it was burnt at the front . I checked the carbs and they were clean . Could a folded in air boot cause that cylinder to lean out ?
One day last winter it was back firing and had no power when I took the carbs off I found the boot on that cylinder folded in ,but nothing else .
It has 156 main jets stock is 160 is that head gasket ok with these jets it always burns a lot of fuel and oil .

