bergstrom tripple point skegs??


VIP Member
May 25, 2003
Brevort, MI
I am ordering a set for my MTN APex for C@A skis. I have heard nothing but good things about them when people use his shim and ski saver kit.
I ordered a set for my 2006 Apex RTX. It took a while for them to arrive but they look awesome. The sled is a demo and new to me but it has new runners already. I ordered the Bergstroms for when those wear out and because I have also heard soooo much good about them. We'll see!
....What are these "skegs"? I'm also curious how the shims and the ski saver kit work.... I guess I'm outta the loop on this one. I want to learn more tho, can someone enlighten me?
DeviantSRX said:
....What are these "skegs"? I'm also curious how the shims and the ski saver kit work.... I guess I'm outta the loop on this one. I want to learn more tho, can someone enlighten me?

Skegs I believe are carbides/ski saver. Shims are used to put more or less pressure on different areas of the ski, to help cure darting / steering problems.
Ok so skegs/carbides = the same thing? I guess that makes sense, just a different name for the same thing....

And the shims I assume are just put in the saddle to disperse more weight either to he front or back...?

WooHooo! Post 300! (Not a very big milestone compared to some of the other members tho!)
The ski savers go between then carbide/skeg and the ski bottom. One benefit is that it puts a little more material material between the ground and your expensive plastic ski. The second benefit is that it provides and additional edge (actually two) per ski to help cut your own groove and reduce darting.
I did some research and the word "skeg" is an old viking word that refers to the keel of a ship. The shims are meant to raise the front of the ski so that the carbides run a little more flat or with the front just slightly up (1/8" to 3/16"). So I have read. Go to Bergstrom's website, I believe. There is also info on this site to prevent darting. This explains it well. There's also info on other sites as well. I don't want to say any names for fear of someone thinking that I'm trying to coerce you to another site.
I wanted to try them last season and ordered a set. After waiting quite some time he said he was behind and i ordered a pair of woody`s to hold me over till i got them. Never heard another thing about them again so i gave up. lol
If I remember correctly, he had his shop broken into and his stock stolen last year. I think that is what contributed to thier shop having issues getting out orders. I didn't have to order anything last year but every time I have ordered it's been a great experience.
jakeho said:
I ordered a set for my 2006 Apex RTX. It took a while for them to arrive but they look awesome. The sled is a demo and new to me but it has new runners already. I ordered the Bergstroms for when those wear out and because I have also heard soooo much good about them. We'll see!

his shop is 3 miles from my work - Almost everyone I ride with runs them on their skis - Very good product
Bergstrom Skeg Question

I purchased a 2003 RX1 last year and quickly noticed poor handling due to darting...after some research I purchased a set of 6" Bergstrom triple points with the ski savers and shims.

Last season, in an attempt to reduce the darting effect I softened the front spring pressure considerably.

My question is with the new "Bergstrom setup" I assume I would want to tighten these springs back close to stock for better handling...any recommendations on where I should set them for an overall balanced trail ride would be appreciated.

The sled is stock, has 96 studs in the center band of the track, my weight is 180.
If you sign up over at the TY 4 Stoke Forum,you'll find a section devoted entirely to RX1 sleds. I do know that there are some specific changes in springing and swaybars that the guy's there found necessary. Once you join, you can use the Search function to lookup specific info.

