bad news or good news? lol


New member
May 2, 2005
Labrador City,Canada
Well, it's been awhile since I have Posted here and put in a full year of sled'n. I think this year May change but i have some bad news but good news too. Bad news is that i jumped ships and bought a 07RenegadeX with ALOT of cool add-ons which i'll list below.. Best thing is it comes with a Brand new motor top to bottem. Got her off my buddie and is in immaculate shape.

1) C&A Pro Skis.
2) RSI Carbon Fiber Bars
3) 6" pivot riser
4) 2"Camoplast track (136 sc4)
5) Jaws Race Silencer
6) 440 Seat

Good new's is that i found a 99SRX for 1,000 but with a bad fuel pump. i think im going to buy this machine to do up on my own like i did with my old viper..This way i can stay in the clan here on TY.

Gotta love those Doo motors. Get yourself a fuel pump for that're gonna need a back up sled!!! LOL!!!

How did the 800's stand up on the 08 models.Did BRP accomplish anything or was it a disaster.All I can remember is that they put out that BRP DVD where the 800 beat all other brands in every situation.By the way,I burned that DVD.Was the 08 models industructible or did things start to break on them after a year.I never heard anything.
The powertek was a better motor from what ive heard, still isolated issues but nowhere near as bad as the pre-pt 800s, 600 sdis from 03-05, machz 1000s.
so DOO didnt learn with thosem purple time bombs, also known as Formula IIIs!!!

I figured that was the 800 that had the problems, but I didnt want to offend....then again, he is on a YAMMY site, talking about a DOO? lol
i watched a demo Dvd that i got from ski-doo, and its really cool how they get their austrian engineers on the dvd saying this and that, best motor blah blah, cleanest burning blah blah, but this is proof that maybe ski-doo isn't ready to compete with other sleds.... The thing they got going is their suspension, can i just ride their suspension down a hill? ultimate kids sled.
the 08's had a big problem with the welds on the jack shafts cracking and fling apart.. and they also had a very bad belt problem it would just chew em up all day... so... they came out with a motor realinement mount.. and that didn't fix it so they made a "super belt" and fixxed the belt problem... brp is for bring rings and pistons or my fav bring rope please
skidoo jokes...

does anyone have any good new ski-poo jokes the snow started flyng here and my ski-dont buddy is at it agine this year with the slamming on the brand x sled... brp is for bring rope please..
Bring pistons and rings, haha, i never heard that before, personally, the only doo's i like are there Summits and the Skandics (for what their built for...), MXZ's are alright, as long as their not a Rev-XP, Rev-XP is ugly as $hit and apparently everybody is having troubles with a bending chassis and evrything, because of less weight = less reinforcement, I mean, how can you build a good strong and light-weight sled but have not much reinforcement??? This is just IMO, but hey, everybody got their like and dislikes, and I dont like Doo's, thats why I'm here!!! Anyways, I can't think of one for Doo, but whatta 'bout Ford!?!?!?! "Friggin 'ol ring ding" or "four 'ol rusty doors', lol
Dont even get me started on FORD's

Found On Road Dead
F'ed On Race Day
For Only Retarded Drivers

Just to name a few. Can you tell I'm not a Ford guy......Sorry to those who are....its not your fault.....

Sorry, I know I'm not suposed to be bashing... I'll stop now :D:DP
DeviantSRX said:
Dont even get me started on FORD's

Found On Road Dead
F'ed On Race Day
For Only Retarded Drivers

Just to name a few. Can you tell I'm not a Ford guy......Sorry to those who are....its not your fault.....

Sorry, I know I'm not suposed to be bashing... I'll stop now :D:DP

No I can tell your a GMC type of guy!!!!!LOL JK They all have there issues regardless the brand, if all there engineers were perfect Id be out of a job along with anyone that owns/works at a dealership/repair shop.

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don't know what you have against Ford's.But my 1996 Ford F-150 is great.Runs like a top yet,no body rusting.I have driven GMC before and that will be my next truck.My trucks are work trucks.I won't buy one just to ride around to the store or whatever.
Wayyyy off topic here, but i like dodge for their cummins, so i'll buy their trucks, i like Gmc too.... I havnt been a ford guy, never will. All my buddys drive dodge cummins pick ups... Black smoke all day. love it
