what kind of cover


New member
Oct 30, 2008
i am going to buy a cover for my 2001 sxr 700 and i was wondering if i want the cover that goes over the skis or do i just get the one that covers the and not the skis sled.

Its all personal prefference, if you trailer it alot and the trailer does not have a salt shield then the one that covers the skis is a good choice, but if you don't trailer much, or if you have a salt shield a normal one will be fine...
Yamidude59 said:
Its all personal prefference, if you trailer it alot and the trailer does not have a salt shield then the one that covers the skis is a good choice, but if you don't trailer much, or if you have a salt shield a normal one will be fine...

If you trailer very much, make sure to get a hood sock. We found out the hard way you get a bunch of scuffs on the hood and windy from the seams of the covers blowing in the wind.
Spend the money for the "over the ski's" cover. We even use ours in the summer, in our enclosed trailer, just to keep the dust out..


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I second the hood sock. Kind of a mini cover for just the hood. Think of it like underwear.

I have a regular Yamaha branded cover for my XTC and it fits great. I have a salt shield on my trailer and/or it is in my Dad's covered trailer. About the only bad thing I can come up with is the ice buildup on the full over ski covers is a bit of a chore to chisel off if the ice/slush is real thick. Before our covered trailers we had a hell of a time with ice freezing on the covers. It was so bad we had to use the car wash in Newberry for 20 minutes just to get the sleds free.

I'd get a snow shield for your trailer while your at it. Makes a world of difference. Even on my 90 some odd inch Triton lite trailer I got one to fit.
i do not trailer much but i did not skimp on quality i got a trailer with a salt shield... got an 05 2 place triton Xt with a salt shield for 900 bucks... the only time i really trailer it is if i go up to my cabin to hit the trails or to The U.P. i wish i had the money for an enclosed trailer... i like those two place enclosed twin axle, drive on drive off, they are pretty cool lookin....

I have went through three covers so far, because i cannot find the right size cover, length is correct but my buddy has a higher profile windshield that keeps the cover taught over the sled, i have a low pro windy and its all loose on top, really pisses me off when i see that Mother flappin in the wind behind the truck... its all trial and error, covers i have been using haven't been the 200 dollar ones either, more like 50 dollars so its not realy as big of deal if i need to go buy another... but i don't want to spend 200 dollars on a cover if i don't know if it will fit very snug.
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