setup for hauck triple pipes on viper


Dec 16, 2007
arnprior ontario canada
hey i just recently purchased a set of hauck triples for my 02 viper. just wondering if anybody had a baseline setup for jetting adn clutching. i ride trails only and pretty aggressive. im near ottawa ontario and just looking for a starting place as my buddy has a dyno that will be used to fine tune sled. also wondering if anybody has widened the front ski stance and how they went about doing it. im thinkin about adding 2 or 3 inches overall as i am a machinist and have access to the machines. also wondering if the boss highrise seat is worth the money?
the pipes are either cpr's or aaens. the newer ones are aaens. hauck doesn't have his own pipe. he sells other people's pipes, in his venom kits, etc. if you've got aaens, i can give you jetting setups and clutch setups. let me know which ones you have.
i'm going to guess at a jetting setup for your pipes. raise needles 1/2 clip, 47.5 pilots w/2 to 2-1/4 turns out on fuel screws, 165 mains on pto/center and 167.5 on mag. what weights do you plan on running? you should contact jeff simons about the jetting and clutching. i just gave a guess, that i would feel comfortable starting out with. the jetting i gave you, is with your carbs vented to airbox, and not the atmosphere.
I have a Viper with Hauck (CPR) older version pipes. My jetting is 150 mains, carb vents UNPLUGGED (not plugged to airbox), 47.5 pilots, air screws 2.5 turns out. head domes are all 22ccs.
I believe Jeff sells a Heelclicker clutch kit setup for his pipes. We also had to do a head mod for those pipes, which would definately benefit you. He can point you in the right direction if you can get a hold of him! We had a Viper S that just screamed with his setup. I just wish I knew then what I know now and I could have told you exactly what was in the clutches.
