TY server down?


May 17, 2003
Lockport, Manitoba. Canada
In the past while I get "TY server not found" error.... It seems TY is not up and running...Often I wait several hours or until the next day and it's back up and running again...

Anyone else have this problem... Does anyone know why?...

It does that to me once in a while as well. All I have to do it hit the reload button and it usually loads right up.

I think it may have something to do with the server being busy at the moment you access it, but Im not sure about that.
I get that at work sometimes it has to do with DNS issues and routers not working properly. When this happens I usually call someone near the server and check if it me or the server and 9 times out of 10 its me....The Server Totallyamaha.com and the message board has been working great....never get a dns problem more then a few minutes usually.....are you talking about this Forum??
Yes...This site.... Any other forums I frequent, wouldn't matter a whole lot if the server were down for a while... It's this forum which offers most for me....

I'll try the refresh trick... It seemed unusual that TY server would be down so often so I guess it must be my browser or something....


Try the cookie clearing and temp file removel and let me know if this helps at all...I run this on 3 different service providers and the only problem I am having is on my work PC but that run through a intranet and most likely there server and sevice not resolving the DNS. But if you go into other areas of the site and then click New Posts it should show the latest post...
Hasn't helped for me... I did the cookie clearing but my Mac handles temp files differently...

This evening at 7:30, same thing for over an hour... This is something which just recently has manifested itself. I have used this Mac and browser to navigate TY for a couple of years without trouble until this past month..

Any other ideas Mr Sled?...

Tj500, im having the same problem, started about 2 weeks ago for me, im using mts dsl and i removed cookies and temp files. Reload and refresh does nothing and tonite it was down from 730 till after 9pm.
MrSled... Your above solution works like a charm.... the "" seems to stick in the address no matter what link I click on... (which is ok).... No problems navigating now... thanks..
TJ500 thats good news that means that a local router or isp is having problems resolving the dns....eventually it will be fixed...so hang tuff.
I get the same problem quite often. Today I tried getting to the site by IP and was still unable to access it. I usally have to wait about 15-30 minutes before it will come back up.....
Any updates? I am still getting the error atleast once a day. It does not last as long as it did before but it lasts for about a minute.
