What holds it up??? Rear suspension


Mar 18, 2008
Flin Flon,Manitoba
:dunno: Hey guys'.I know BETHEVIPER has a thread on suspension setup for the pro-ac system and I've read countless times trying to get it to work on my sled!!! The required hieght from rear bumper to floor is approx.410-430mm,I have 400mm.When the rear is raised and put down and with me and gear on it it sinks. I don't understand this i've been trying to get it to stay up with out a lot of sinking down.I've just put heavier shocks/springs,re bushed the skid,and tried combinations on the cams.Whats going on here???Where's the guy with the pro-ac set up video on this site?
Im not a suspension guru, but, Its suppose to sink when you sit on it. Its called set-in.
Im not sure on the amount of set in for your venture, but typically you'll end up with a 50/50 gap on your transfer rods. Beth-the-Viper(ha-ha , Just kid'n Scott) along with others , will chime in and give more insight.
They use to say the Venture(longtrack) had at least 11 inch travell.What I described was when sat on with extra wieght I've got about 4 inches left between the bumpers on the rails to the cross shaft which the rear shock bolts to, not much left here for the bumps to bottom it out!!
How much do you have when it is fully extended? I believe the 11.5 inches of travel is measured at the rear axle on Yamaha's. Some manufactures measure it at the rear bumper! Its called creative advertising! lol
Normally, the springs are what hold the sled up,but gas charged shocks will aid in this also.
Did you replace both rear springs? What springs and shocks did you use to replace the stock ones?
Yes both shock/spring combo were changed.I went to a newer model(2003) mine is a '99 venture,the springs are optional heavier ones, also the shocks' are a gas charged unit.The rear is a 8cw-47480-30,center is a 8DS-47481-10,Yamaha Canada customer service techs' recommended this setup would work best for me.It's just the setup for hieght etc. is the kicker here,dealers say I Dunno when asked.
Uhhhhmm, how much to you weigh??? Just kidding , you dont have to answer that! :bash:

Hopefuly someone can give some better input! :dunno:
what is your transfer rod gap and what setting is the rear clicker on?

give a total gap spacing and the spacing of the gaps with you on the sled.

also, where is your fra adjuster?
bluemonster1 said:
Kapusta....if you look up...way up...you'll see the guy who has the video.His name starts with YA* !!!!!!!:o| ouch!!!!!
Good eve bluemonster,good to hear from 'ya.Yes way ,way up and I'll call (?),I have to get this figured so I can up-down load his vid.Do you have it?And is it any GOOD for the aspect that you really get somewhere with it?
gotter' figured.......

Well again thanks' to this site she's going to work.After a bit of head scratching and cussing I got the vid downloaded and working on my comp.So after watching the vid. it makes to much sense and you actually know how the skid works!!To BETHEVIPER, my gaps are 50/50 approx.with the sled loaded,the rear klicker is on #3, and my fra is at center.with this I now know that I can crank up the cam up one notch and the center up and if i have to double I'll crank up the fra.The vid really helps out, thanks to YA*AM*A*HEAD for it.everybody have fun in the fresh SNOW>>>>>>
