hi i just bought a 2002 vmax 600 triple with a rebuilt motor, done by someone else. i've only had it started a few times so far. and it has a slow leak on the mag and centre cyilinders, and around the fitting for the thermostat.
the leak on the head gasket leaks down onto the little taps that stick out from the gasket. My question is, is this normal until it gets a good hot ride in to break in everything, or do i have to replace the head gasket? thanks
the leak on the head gasket leaks down onto the little taps that stick out from the gasket. My question is, is this normal until it gets a good hot ride in to break in everything, or do i have to replace the head gasket? thanks
your describing to me that its leaking from the thermostat housing?, it wouldnt be the headgasket if it leaks from there down on to the headgasket tab? maybe pinpoint it a little better for me to help. usually if the head gasket is leaking it will either drink antifreeze in the engine to the pistons or external leak, but that would be caused by dirty installation(surfaces not clean)
it is leaking from both the thermostat housing, and the head, should i then take it apart and clean it all then reinstall the head agian?, also the motor was rebuilt last year and didn't run all summer would the temperature changes, ect. cause the gasket to shrink, or seat different should i try retorqueing the head first also if so what is the amount of torque on the head bolts?
tough to say for certain when someone else has been inside there before, I guess I would check the torq of the bolts first.
The gasket cant shrink because its steel.
The gasket cant shrink because its steel.
Active member
you could buy a NEW head gasket (cause this aint CHINA) and install the NEW gasket, w/NEW thermostat gasket and torque to proper specs. maybe the previous rebuilder got cheap and tried reusing the head gasket and thermostat gasket? if the head ain't leaking tho, i wouldn't touch it. wash the head clean w/brake cleaner and see where the coolant starts to leak from...thermostat or head. it will tell you right away, w/gasket is cashed or what part isn't torqued properly.
ok i will try to re-torque first i'll keep you updated, plus we just got a dumping of snow!!
My 99 sx leaked last winter, I removed the head, and inspected for warpage, due to the head being one long piece the center cylinder is prone to warpage when even slight over heating. I guess what I am saying check the head, mill if needed, I had mine milled .020. Just remember to use all 3 plates in the head gasket if milled this much.
i tryed re torqueing, still leaks, so i'll try getting new gaskets next, also the head has already been milled because it is stamped on the top .020.
tore the top end apart only one piston was replaced should i replace the other two or leave them?