blew by you
New member
I need to buy a headlight cover/guage pod.A local dealer can get me a used one with a Bender Cold Air Kit on it for $125.I have a 1999V-Max500SX.They claim the kit alone is worth $100.Will I gain anything at all with this kit?Would I need to tinker with jetting?Would I need to modify the airbox at all?What are the Pros & Cons?Any info on this would be greatly appriciated! THANKS!!
Roost 'Er
Dont bother not even worth the $100.
blew by you
New member
A new one would cost me $125 anyway.So do I pick up the used one with the kit on it instead for the same price?I just don't know if I'll need top do any modifications or tinker with jetting?
yes, you will need to check jetting. you might call bender and see if any of the old school boys are there for some coaching. i, for one, am a firm believer in the cold air kit, if used for deep snow applications. if the deal seams good to you, just tape over the cutouts to block it off and its just like stock.
Don't the sx's take air in from by the handlebars anyways.