2004 Viper low end bog


New member
Jan 21, 2008
Greenville, Wisconsin
I just recently purchased a 2004 Viper ER with 160 miles on it. I had the the snowmobile shipped to me so I never saw it before I purchased it. When I first started it the center cylinder was not firing. I drained the gas tank and all the carburetors finding the idle jet in the center carb to be plugged. I removed and cleaned the all the main and pilot jets and put in three new spark plugs. I also cleaned and adjusted the power valves. It now runs on all three cylinders but does not seem to spool up as quickly from an idle as my 2002 Viper that has 6255 miles on it. I added sea foam in the new gas that I put into the 2004. I did not check compression but am thinking that maybe the rings are gummed up. Any thoughts. Thankyou to all who respond in this forum. I have used it for all three of my Yamaha snowmobiles as well as might waverunners.
what are your fuel screws set at? stock is suppose to be 1-7/8 turns out, but some have gone up to 2 turns out on a stock viper. what state did the sled come from? somebody didn't drop the needles by chance, did they? were the stock 45 pilots in there?
The sled came from Conneticut and as far as I know nothing has been done to it from dealer set up. Thankyou for that quick response. The dealer I have it at now brought up the possibility of rust on the crankshaft and now I`m concerned about that. Any thoughts?
