Trailer question

vMaxed Out

New member
Jan 7, 2008
Appleton, WI
Trailer Bearings question

Hi guys. I am new to snowmobiling and was wondering how often you repack the bearings in your trailers? This will be my 2nd year with a trailer that was brand new. It doesn't have bearing buddies but as soon as I get them repacked and I getting those put on. I don't know if I should do it this year or every other year. I put about 500-700 miles on it last year.
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Every season...I have two trailers, sled & utility...fall the sled trailer gets a going over & the spring the utility gets it...pull hubs & service bearings, test light & fix as need, check for cracks, week spots, coupler adjustments...a couple of beers, good tunes, an afternoon away from the Mss...time well spent
def every season they should be greased/checked and while you're at it might as well check and adjust the brakes, coupler, tire pressure and anything else that might need some attention.
2nd on the above. I also grease everytime I go up north on a trip and bring the grease gun with me.
viper7mi said:
2nd on the above. I also grease everytime I go up north on a trip and bring the grease gun with me.

I go a little further than this. I carry a lug wrench, floor jack and complete spare hub assembly in my "sled tote". That is the tote bin I keep all my spare stuff, lubes, tools in. Goes in the back of the truck every time I haul.
Hubs should be taken off and repacked every season. Nothing ruins a snowmobile trip than a blowout when it's below freezing. Check the valve stems on your rims. Sitting all Summer can deteriorate the rubber and cause leakage, then a blowout. I've put the metal stems on mine because I learned the hard way.

