Black plastic revival???Refreshing?


New member
Dec 5, 2006
Grand Rapids,MI
I am just finishing up my 3 year project of taking my I-500 SRX back into a trail sled, and I am just doing the finishing details and would like to know how to freshin up the black dash and belly pan and headlight cowl pieces that look a little faded what has every one else used or methods to get them back looking new?

Pictures and story to come as soon as I do some final details
Sled finished 9th at the SOO I-500 in 2003 and was sent to the back corner of garage when we started racing the RX-1 was put on trailer to go to the salvage guy (still in full race prep) but I said I want a trail sled so its been a long road but is back

Any help is Appreciated

on motorcycles that have sun fade, turning the black plastic light grey, I have sprayed the plastic with wd-40, let it drip off it, dont wipe it off, and keep applying it for a couple days. Seems to penetrate the plastic and bring out the base color again. Then use armor all or other protectant on it, same process, worked pretty good for me.
