Swapping a Phazer suspension to a SS440?


New member
Jan 3, 2006
Ladies and Gentelmen,

To make a long story short here... My brother broke the rail on the suspension off his 1984 Phazer electric start last year. I am not repairing the rail or attempting to reweld it. Before we attempt to buy another suspension for it however my brother has 2 SS440's, they both are 85's.

The question is this, can you swap out an 84 phazer suspension and reinstall a 85 SS440 suspension to make the phazer a runable sled again? I seen that the tracks are the same but what about suspensions. If they are somewhat the same the other question comes to mind, is modification needed to make this work or can this NOT be done at all.

Am I dreaming people? Do I need an alarm clock to wake up... Let me know if anyone has ever done this.

Best regards

It Will Work You Will Just Have Less Travel As The Phazer Has Longer Shocks But It Will Work. I Put A 86 Phazer Suspension In My 83 Ss 440 A Couple Years Ago. No Modifications Will Be Needed.
Viper, Thank you sir... for responding. I will get this done. The other question I have for you is does the track end up hitting the frame since the suspension is less. I was haivng a hard time getting just the rails to repair the suspension as it was. I seen people breaks them and try to reweld them, and they always break even with modifiing the strength of the rails. I figured since my brother has these SS440's laying around that he would be better off by using them. My main concern is the track hitting the tunnel. Any thoughts to this?

My understanding is that the Phazer has a shorter track(114,I think) so Im not sure there would be room in the track for a SS skid( which may have a 121" track)
Dont quote me on this, someone else will know for sure!
