will my 98 srx 600 beat a bone stock srx 700

who would win

I think I'd be close but I am certain the 700 will win on top but I was just wondering about everything before that. The 700 has no studs or rods so the 600 will probably win on take off but how long could it stay in front?
Aw come on guys, you could have cut him a little bit of a break rather than being so cold and matter of fact. :cry:


It's really going to depend on the riders, conditions, state of tune for each sled, length of race and the phase of the moon.

I can almost guarantee that there will be some set of circumstances where your srx 600 will in fact beat a bone stock srx 700. :D

I know this because I have never lost a race with my RX-1. :shock:
(Never won a race either but that's not my point, or is it?)
I really doubt that your 600 will beat a 700 srx anywhere, except maybe off the line. I had a fine running srx 600 and could beat alot of 700 twins in about 1000 ft runs, but that was only if I could get hooked up. My 1 1/4" track helped alot. Alot of the time I had to run them 3 or 4 times because they thought yamaha's were slow. Just shows you what clutching and hook-up will do for you. Get hooked up and you just might make it a run if you get the jump.
Find an nice small, newly frozen pond with thick hard ice and no snow...then you know you'll get him off the line (and you'll be able to stop at the other end)

...but make sure he doesn't decide to put picks in between now and then!
who will win

my father has the 01 srx and i race him yearly once or twice. Last year I had a 93 exciter II sx and that sled would get once hell of a take off over the srx and i would stay infront for 1/4 to 1/2 mile before he would go by. I will race him this year with the srx 600 and let you guys know what happens, and no he wont put studs, my father is obsessed with keeping sleds stock after her blew one of his old sleds because of aftermarket pipes he put on it. He vows never to add anything ever again. But I'll let you guys know though
