Joint Stabelizer


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Barrie, On
Ordered wrong part, was wondering if any one knows if it is a yamaha part or can I find some where else? Yamaha wants $ 65 a piece. Its a 99 vmax.
just a thought.
I'm really trying here to explain as " ungreen like " as possible. Now ...
This is still Brenda (99 Vmax) .
There are a total of 8 bars going to the ski. lets eliminate
-Not the controll arms - those are the 2 bars per side , 4 both sides. they are conneced to the shock. NOT THESE
-Not the tie rods
THere is two other shafts that come out of the lower bottom of the engine. THese 2 shafts go towards the trailing arm. They are then connected together with this JOINT STABELIZER.

Now I was just loking in the manual I was given , DOnt know why didnt do this earlier ?
Its called the connecing rod by the manual! Man....

I have replaced these rods now and thought they would make front end a little more stiff. The two rods that come out of from below the engine and connect to the conecting rods (Stabelizer) these slide from side to side thru the bottom of the sled still. I thik I picked up a little stability, but not much.
hope this helps...
Ahhhhh, the sway bar links. The sway bar only comes into play while the sled is turning or going over uneven moguls. Likw when you ride down the center of a whooped out section and sled kinda rocks side to side. In a straight on hit or landing, the bar has little effect on 'stiffness'. Hope that's clear as mud. ;)!

Clear as MUD!

SO I should be able to move them from side to side freely, thru the bottom of the sled?
Sorry, just making that mud crystal clear.
The bar is one piece so it should move together but only a small amount side-to-side. The 'joints' are what connects the sway bar to the trailing arms and look like dog bones.
bluewho said:
The word JOINT caught my eye lol
Thats funny!! I was thinking she was looking for some sort of preservative for her , umm, well , her dope!
