crooked cops, 17 people caught in FBI sting


VIP Member
Jan 26, 2004
Headline news ... COOK COUNTY JAIL...... ANYONE SURPRISED??????

Today it's all about $$$$ & who is willing to compromise their integrity/dignity...what is the average wage for a police serviceman in that state! What price if your life worth as a police office when staring down a barrel of a is dangerous business today, but lucrative...I guess its all about self respect/dignity...I feel sad for there families & friends who looked up at them & the city they represented...Shame....
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blues,,, the salary is around EIGHTY GRAND a year (with MANDATORY OVERTIME) for city cops and arond SIXTY GRAND a year for cook county cops... MOST cook county cops work at the JAIL and they aren't even allowed to have guns in the jail... It's the COOK COUNTY cops this time....
I've a friend ( a guy I grew up with) who is a CHICAGO POLICE OFICER and he makes right around NINETY GRAND a year... He's been on the police force for 24 years and I have stared down the barrel of a gun MORE TIMES than he has.. If a perp points a gun at HIM,,, he'll SHOOT them right away,, if they point a gun at me (already happened a BUNCH of times to me) I will just AGREE with you until you GO AWAY!!!!! Like I've said before,,, I HAVE stared down the barrel of a gun pointed at me A LOT MORE TIMES than he has!!!!!
crewchief47 said:
[good_natured_ribbing] Some how I think you may be trying to make the rest of us laugh. :D [ /good_natured_ribbing]
I really DO have a sense of humor!!! Maybe a MORBID sense,,,but,,, nevertheless,,a sense.....
