BRAKES, Drum or Disk


VIP Member
Nov 2, 2008
syracuse indiana
What do you think about different brake systems. I personally like electric / hydrolic disk. I have this system on many boat trailers. Braking is completely controllable. My current sled trailer has drum electric (Magnet style) on one axle. My car hauler has drum electric ( magnet style), both axles. Both trailer exeriance brake fade especially when hauling heavy loads, 8,000 + lbs.
My opinion Surge hydronlic is the worst system to use. They only work when the tow vehicle has enough braking force to activate the master cylinder. Another thing is if you have excessive tongue weight 800 to 1000 lbs, a surge system typically stays engaged while going down hill, causing excessive heat build up on the pads.
Disk all the way.

Had drums and things are not good when they seize up.

Electric with an adjustable controller is what I would run on a sled trailer but would go with the surge style on a boat trailer.

However if you have 800 pounds of tongue weight with your sled trailer you are looking at 2 or 3 axles. If your causing fading with them they are not appropriately sized.
FuzzButt said:
Disk all the way.

Had drums and things are not good when they seize up.

Electric with an adjustable controller is what I would run on a sled trailer but would go with the surge style on a boat trailer.

However if you have 800 pounds of tongue weight with your sled trailer you are looking at 2 or 3 axles. If your causing fading with them they are not appropriately sized.

I am big fan of disc brakes as well.

I have had a drum freeze up while driving on my on the rear axle of my jeep, not fun........
I will usually be pulling a tandom or triple axle trailer, most of the boats I pull have around 800 lbs tongue weight. The disk brake system is great. I just do not like a surge system, if you ever get a chance to tow an electric over hydrolic system go for it. Basically you adjust your in vehicle brake control just as you do a standard electric.
I guess it is just odd to see that kind of tongue weight.

My Triton Lite 96" Aluminum has a loaded tongue weight at or below 100 pounds. My Shoreland'r boat trailer with my fully fueled 16 1/2 foot Carlson is about 65-75 pounds.

Except our older surge brake style 4 place trailer none of our other trailers have brakes.
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Talking about tongue weight, the boats i pull are usually 8,000 to 12,000 lbs. It is good to have about 10 percent tongue weight for the complete load.
