RS Venture in my future?


New member
Mar 25, 2005
Looking for some RS Venture riders that can give their .02 on the ride qualities, likes/dislikes. My wife is looking for a touring sled, and currently we are looking at a 06 w/150 miles on it. I have looked online at a polaris IQ and a cat 660. Any help is appreciated..
ok well I drove one before, it was the first 4 stroke I ever drove, and the last one to, lol, but all I can say is that is was AMAZING!!!! I loved it, the power was smooth I found, but coming off a Bravo then and Jumping on the RS Venture is like night and day difference, haha, but I gave her a bit of gas, looked down on the speedo and it was going 120 km/h, then when i went back down the pond I was going like 100, 110 like that, and the the throttle to the bar and it spit back snow about 75-80 feet! The comfort I found was perfect, now I was only driving this for like 20 minutes and was 2 winters ago, but I still remeber perfectly how nice it was, I think this would be my choice out of the touring sleds, I would MAYBE have a look at the cat if it was the turboed one.
A freind of mine went from a rev 800 x to a 1000 venture touring and he would drive nothing else he said the ride was amazing and the motor so reliable considering he went through three engines in that doo 800,in my opinion you can not go wrong in making this choice,my local yamaha dealer just got a new venture long track in at his show room and he had it parked next to the apex and i asked him what the difference was beween the two sleds because to me they look exactly the same and his response was the engine one has a four cylinder and the other has a three cylinder 120 hp VENTURE 150hp APEX other than that he said thaey are exactly the same anyway hope this helps you wiyh making your decision.

If I were to get a newer 2 up, the only ones I would look at are the rsventure, or the IQ 4stroke turbo touring.

The polaris has more power and is EFI and IMO looks better with more modern bodywork, but the yamaha has that sweet inline 3cylinder 4 stroke sound. Both get good mileage. The new EFI RSventure has the apex bodywork, and alomost as much power from the non turbo bigger EFI mill derived from the FX nytro, but that one is more expensive than the polaris. Plus that polaris has been in production a couple years, while the new efi venture is new this year, so you won't find a used one.
Thanks guys. The guy wants $6k for it. It seems like plenty for a 06, but w/150 miles I guess it isn't that far out of line. I am finding thay are hard to come by used.
yes man go for the RS Venture, you WILL NOT regret getting that machine, 150 miles? That can be put on a sled in 2 days.
bravo-guy said:
yes man go for the RS Venture, you WILL NOT regret getting that machine, 150 miles? That can be put on a sled in 2 days.

1 day.....easy, especially on a touring sled like that.
I don't think the triple in the rs is the same as the xtx .... and one thing to remember - touring sleds are heavy as all get out - so be sure you only want to stay on the trails.
xsivhp said:
I don't think the triple in the rs is the same as the xtx .... and one thing to remember - touring sleds are heavy as all get out - so be sure you only want to stay on the trails.

not 100%b the same, but it is the larger displacement motor on the venture GT from the fx nytro. It has a different cam, but otherwise pretty much the same motor, and not the 973 cc of the normal venture.

2009 RS Venture GT
Model Home Innovation Features Gallery Video Apparel Accessories Model 2008

MSRP* $10,799 (Candy Red/Silver) Available from July 2008
$10,799 (Silver Blue) Available from July 2008
Type / Displacement / cc 4-Stroke / 1049cc
Cylinders Three
Horsepower Class 120 HP
Cooling Liquid
Bore & Stroke / mm 82.0mm x 66.2mm
Intake Design 2 Valves
Carburetion 41mm Mikuni® fuel injection
Ignition Digital T.C.I. with throttle position sensor
Exhaust Rear exhaust
Clutch / Transmission YVXC, variable ratio
Disc. Brake Type 2-piston hydraulic w/ lightweight ventilated disc
