Camoplast Cobra 1.352" Calling All 121" SX, XTC and SRX

Black XTC

New member
Aug 30, 2007
Peg city, MB
Have any of you ran the new cobra 1.352"? What are your thoughts, can you compare it to the predator? I ride a XTC 700 with a 1" predator, can't make up my mind between the two. My dad just got one for his viper and the lug seems alot softer than the pred lug, wondering if it holds up well with alot of power to the ground? i love my 1" predator for just about everything, i boondock, trail ride, lake run and love to play in the powder this track dose all, great hook up on the trail and good paddle in the deep stuff. Please someone illuminate me on this topic.

Thank you
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I can tell you that the $275 I have into my Predator is about the best money I've spent on my XTC besides ski's.

About the only thing I would do different would go a bit taller since I don't run studs. If you do find info though my Dad's Viper is going to need a track at the end of this season so we will be looking at our options.
I just bought a 121" Cobra and can't wait. I've read enough reviews with very happy users. I know the Predator is an awesome track. My room mates here at school all run the 1 1/4" predator and love it. I just wanted to try something different. Sounds like a lot of people of the 4 stroke side love it.
FuzzButt said:
I can tell you that the $275 I have into my Predator is about the best money I've spent on my XTC besides ski's.

About the only thing I would do different would go a bit taller since I don't run studs. If you do find info though my Dad's Viper is going to need a track at the end of this season so we will be looking at our options.
My dad just bought one for his viper, so ill let you know how it performs when we break it in. I just bought another xtc and im selling my xtc1 with the predator, so im putting a track order in before we break in my dad's cobra. I think im leaning towards the cobra. Ill keep you posted
I did a Cobra 136" conversion on my 02 Viper last winter and I can't say anything bad about the track. It hooks up great, preforms great in deep powder and its light enough that I didn’t notice too much of a loss on top end.

I had a heavily studded 121" before so the rotating mass was quite alot more than the 136" cobra so that helped me get back some of the loss on top end. The Vipers a different sled now and it’s more fun to ride.
I went from a 1" predator to the cobra last year. If you do a lot of off trail riding I can absolutely recomend the cobra. No comparison. That cobra hooks a ton better than the predator. If you mostly trail ride I would go with the predator. The cobra was a little unstable and the predator with studs would be the way to go. As I am 90% off trail, I would never go back to the perdator. Chose the type of riding you would be doing a majority of the time and chose the track suited to that style.
Hope this helped
My experience

I ran a 136" Cobra on my viper for about 500 miles last year. I had been using a six pitch Preadator (now they call it a Carve). I did not see any noticable performance difference between the two tracks either on trail or off. I do not run studs. The only negative comment I have about the Cobra is that since it is so soft the lugs tend to fold over under acceleration and they wear quickly creating a very dull biting I said quickly. If I was buying a new track today I'd but the Carve in 1 1/4 because it hooks up just as well as the Cobra and it is FAR FAR more durable in my opinion.

