Any ideas, what am I missing???


Test Dummy
May 1, 2003
My 700MM is falling on it's face if I get on the gas,run the rpm's above 5000 then let off and allow the rpm's to get below 4000 and try to hit the throttle again. If I keep reving it up over 4000 it's fine and if I let the rpm's drop to idle then hit it's fine(no idle hang). It's kind of hard to explain. I have cleaned the carbs, checked all pilots ect. with magnifying glass to make sure nothings plugged. ran carb cleaner through passages. I have not added anything new to this machine for four years and it's always been right on. I always have cleaned my carbs every year with never a problem. The motor is stock except a single layer HG, reed notch, bender can. it will do this when your riding or on the stand. I have always set my pilots to 1 7/8. This problem started last year and I thought It would go away after cleaning the carbs again this year but it's still there. You really notice it if you have to slow down for a tight corner and then get back on it. I'm pulling the carbs and go through everthing again, just looking for suggestions on what I could be missing. Thanks, hope this makes sense. Soc
Is it not back shifting right? everything in the secondary good,nothing wore
out broke or binding???

or does it seem like a motor issue???
Im With Daman First Thought,secondary Related. Is The Belt Sunk In The Secondary? If It Is It Needs To Be Adjusted.
I would have to agree with DAMAN and RAMBLIN, sound like the problem is in your clutches...Take a look at them. If the engine is running fine, then address the clutches, that is more than likely where your problem lies. I can't see a red head triple motor going to shit without some major factors coming into play... Those motors are practically bulletproof...
hit the kill switch whenit acts up and lock the brake. Look to see where the belt is at in the secondary
Thanks for all the replys. I'm no expert but what I do know is what I have learned on this site over the years about maintenance and keeping the basic adjustments correct and have been anal about it and have never had any problems. thats why I'm wondering about maybe a wear isssue cause it started to happen last year. as long as I'm not trying to hit the throttle again it that RPM range(2000-4000) she's perfect. The belt is sitting at the top. Just removed, pulled apart and cleaned the primary, secondary and carbs. I haven't tried it yet as I got done to late last night and I gotta wait till my neighbors are up. I do have a question right now on the secondary, how much slop should there be between the sheeves? I'm looking for binding issues. The motors running perfect, I don't think theres anything wrong with it except maybe some kind of carb/pilot issue if it's not a wear problem. Thanks, SOC
Found it!!!

:WayCool: :WayCool: BINGO!!!!!! Reset pilots to 2 turns and cleared it right up with no hesitation, so it's a lean bog. My notes say I have always run the pilots at 1 7/8, so things don't always stay the same. I was also convinced it was in my clutching. But I had already pulled my carbs so I decided to try changing pilot settings with no other changes.She's screaming now. Thanks guys
sockeyerun said:
:WayCool: :WayCool: BINGO!!!!!! Reset pilots to 2 turns and cleared it right up with no hesitation, so it's a lean bog. My notes say I have always run the pilots at 1 7/8, so things don't always stay the same. I was also convinced it was in my clutching. But I had already pulled my carbs so I decided to try changing pilot settings with no other changes.She's screaming now. Thanks guys
You mean fuel screws , I think
