2004 Viper S Diagnosis Light


New member
Dec 7, 2008
On my 2004 Viper S, the self diagnosis light started flashing on me. It flashes 6 times, pauses, flashes 6 times, pauses, and ect. Thought at first it was saying that I needed to clean my power valves. Did that, and it still flashes. Anyone else run into this? Any help would be great! Thanks
Its full, that was the first thing that came to mind for me too. When the light is flashing, the symbol in the display shows a motor...
Id say its good gas, it came on my last ride last year bout half way through a ride. I did atleast another 40-50 miles to get it home
Season old gas will likely be your problem. Without some sort of stabilizier it will be stale by now. Running old gas through your carbs can make a real mess. Be sure to give them a real good cleaning along with the power valves. That should fix your problem.
it came on at the end of last year so it was definitally "fresh" gas in it. I also thought i was the power valves so i took them out and cleaned them up good and it didnt make a difference. I havent opened the carbs up yet to take a look. thanks for the help guys!
Could anyone tell me where to find a picture or something like that for the knock sensor? is it a common thing for these to go bad?
its in the back of the cylinder head. by the coolant hose, large sensor. No, they dont go bad often but are fairly sensative to changes, so if you had weak fuel, stale gas,etc. it would go off. This is what is was designed to do.
first off, thank you very much for the help so far guys. I appreciate it alot! I traced the wire coming off the knock sensor and about 8-10 inches after coming off the sensor theres a connector. After the connector.....THERES NOTHING! Would probably say theres my problem. The connector is intack, (male and female ends are together) its right where the wire comes back out of the connector that its broken off. Got any clues as to where it should be attached?
dcs knock sensor

Hey Rat.

You ever find the source for your 6 flash temp light issue on your viper?

I have the same code now for a few rides on my 02 srx.

