Home made clutch tool


Test Dummy
May 1, 2003
Just wanted to thank rather-b-sleddin and bluemonster1 for their posts on making a home made grunt tool. I followed your ideas and now am the proud owner of one these almost satanic looking creations myself. I used rather-b-sleddin's idea with the bar, same size steel 1/4 x 1 1/2 except 4' long. Works like a charm. Oh Yeah! 12.00 for the steel and bolts at lowes, had the wood and screws. How much are those tools? :eek: Thanks guys
hey..thanks dude.mine also worked with a bar....pretty slick idea eh!!!!I built mine and didn't cost a penny,just used stuff around here that I had.Good to hear.
sockeyerun said:
Just wanted to thank rather-b-sleddin and bluemonster1 for their posts on making a home made grunt tool. I followed your ideas and now am the proud owner of one these almost satanic looking creations myself. I used rather-b-sleddin's idea with the bar, same size steel 1/4 x 1 1/2 except 4' long. Works like a charm. Oh Yeah! 12.00 for the steel and bolts at lowes, had the wood and screws. How much are those tools? :eek: Thanks guys

can you post some pics please?...
on the pictures i saw of the home made tools so far i only saw tools that fit on the ring gear. im trying to make one of these tools myself because i got the primary clutch rebuild kit and needs to replace the plastic sliders but i have no ring gear. what did you guys do?
venture700 said:
on the pictures i saw of the home made tools so far i only saw tools that fit on the ring gear. im trying to make one of these tools myself because i got the primary clutch rebuild kit and needs to replace the plastic sliders but i have no ring gear. what did you guys do?
Look on the back of the primary you will see a bunch of threaded holes where you can bolt the bar to the back of the primary. I myself made a template and traced it onto 1/8" steel plate, cut it out round and welded a 1" nut in the center so I could use a ratchet and multiple bolt points.
My buddy made a plate that you can boldt the primary too and hooked on the plate is a square tubing that you just slide in your truck reciever.We use to use it all the time at drags changine differnt size split collars.
I had been away from the site for about 2 1/2 years. While I was gone I had to rebuild one of my primary clutches. Having no idea you could make clutch tools out of scrapes of wood and drywall screws I made mine in the media I’m used to, metal. Here are a few photos. The nice thing about using this set up is a torque wrench can be used during reassembly.

The holding fixture is made from a scrape of 3/16” steel channel and 3 5/16“bolts. The pieces of wood are to keep the clutch in contact with the bolts.

The spider tool is piece of ¼” plate, 3 exhaust manifold to front pipe shoulder bolts from a Chrysler product (like a 94 Caravan), a 3” section of 2” steel pipe and topped off with a CV shaft axle nut from a Honda Accord.

The last item is a fixture block I made to keep all three clutch weight in the same position so I can grind them all at the same time on a belt sander.

I only wished I had taken photos of the tools while in use so you could more easily see how they all work.


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Clutch tool in use

I was finally able to get some pictures of my homemade clutch tool in use.


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Did you ever think of building a couple of those to sell to members or atleast a pattern (for the holes) and a material list. I would gladly pay you a reasonable fee to make me one. The way I see it one member gets a good tool and another makes a coulpe bucks. Win- Win. Shhot me a pm if you're interested thanks Gil
