Sled Pro Clutch Alignment Tool Question


New member
May 19, 2003
Churchill Falls,NL, Canada
I bought one of these tools with no instructions, anyone use one before? I was wondering for offset where to put the tool, it will fit in a bunch of positions and there are three stops on it and they are all different lengths, I don't understand........


Not sure how the offset works with this tool since the secondary clutch has to be off for this to work for center to center distance. And they say you can set center to center and offset at the same time. The center to center part is obvious, but the off set must have something to do with those pins. I could probably figure it out if I had a sled and the tool right in front of me.

Another link to the tool at Maxximum Performance'
when you slide that on the secondary shaft, that will drop in that will drop into the primary ...perfectly..., the sec has to be off. Ref those pins off the inside of the promary all of them will be a certain distance from the back sheave, thats your offset.
I have done this, removed my secondary slid on the tool, it fits down in the groove in between the sheives to set the center to center, this is ok, but I can slide the engine back and forth for offset because there are three pins now touching my inner primary shieve, and all three pins are of differnent lengths, do the longest one lign up with the inside, back edge of the shieve? or the middle length one, or the shortest one???
by using a crude ruller and measuring tape, it looks like it should be the longest one to me, but I want to be sure before tightning everything down.




Ihave used this with Larry from North Country Yamaha, just been awhile...Call him on Monday 715-453-2626 or I can if I get some time, let me know either way.

I was talking to Victor at today, he said all three pins are suppose to fit flush against the ringear, it actually turns the engine so when it torks up the belt alighment straightens out, I got it almost perfect now, im gonna double check it with the factory tools this weekend to make sure it's good.
I didn't realize that the engine was turned slightly so that when things torque up, the belt straightens and aligns perfectly....

Does the tool in the "Tech Section" that we can make ourselves do the same thing.... It appears to only indicate offset while keeping both sheaves perfectly parrallell to each other...

Can someone clear this up for us... Now I'm not sure how to align the clutches...

If you're using an engine tensioner/stop then align it to the SRX spec. If not, then the clutches should not be parallel as it is designed to come into alignment under acceleration.
I just used the sled pro tool and ligned up the three uneven height pins so the engine is twisted a bit, (only with stock mounts) and I then compared it to the stock Yamaha tools, it was close but it was still off a little.
I have this tool to,they sell the same one for sx- rx1- srx and viper but how can you use it for the viper when it has a different offset! I am installing a srx tourqe limiter and a srx front engine mount in my viper I want to set it up to srx specs but what is the tool set for?
I still have another issue with it, I removed my clutch and sized up my ringear, it covers over about 2mm of the end of my inner shieve, so this tool is suppose to do with and without electric start, how can it with this difference, I am not happy with this tool at all, I double checked with the stock yamaha tool and it's still off by 2-3mm offset, I don't know what to do with it now.
with an allen wrench the pins come out and the spacers can be removed on the 2 pins that have spacers, for use with an srx style torque stopper
-the longest pin goes to the front if you want to set it so the pullies are
parralel on power besause of the motor twist,
-the three pins should be flush with the back of the primary sheive not the ring gear like someone posted,I am close friends with the person who designed and machined this tool.

-the longest to the front
-medium in the center on top to tell you if your motor is in the same
plane as the jackshaft
-and the shortest in the back of primary
all three pins flush with the back of primary sheive

-if using solid motor mounts for racing,use three pins of the same length
clutch tool

so are the stock srx motor mounts slotted or something is there room for adjustment. i have this tool put it on center to center is good and it is square but it looks like the motor needs to be pushed back about 1/8''
if everything is in line but the offset is off,you can add or remove shims
on the jackshaft behind the secondary.yes there is room on the motor mounts to slide the engine if you have to.
