new track manufacturer??

They sure have some simple looking design. Sometime the simpler the better?


I would like to see the machine this track is for:


lenght: 155"
width: 20"
lug height: 1"


They have been around snice 1993! Think they might new some new marketing people.
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I read an article about them in a Swedish magazine this week.
They had tested the model called "Forward S" during the development.
In the article they compared it to the Ripsaw with same lug height (32mm). According to the test, the russian track had better grip overall. One minus was that it was loud, so while driving on hardpack they said it got a bit annoying.
Don´t go there.

One of our sled magazines tested theese tracks on different sleds. One track on a 06 RX-1 (apex) streched so badly that even when all the adjustments were full out on the yammie, it still ratched over sprockets badly...

Not up to Camoplast quality. No where near even.

yamahaboy701 said:
I would like to see the machine this track is for:


lenght: 155"
width: 20"
lug height: 1"


They have been around snice 1993! Think they might new some new marketing people.

vk 540, scandics wide track, bearcat, polaris widetrack all use this track. its a worksled track.
