Front shaft on suspension won't come out


New member
Jul 23, 2006
Cameron Ontario
Hey guys I have a 92 Phazer and I have the suspension right out of the machine.
The problem I have is the the front axle shaft on the suspension won't come out of the tube. It's the shaft that bolts go through the front of the tunnel onto this shaft. I may be crazy but I am pretty sure this shaft should come out. I have been soaking it in rust killing spray for a few days and it still won't budge. Am I right thinking this shaft should come out?

Do you guys have any tips on getting this shaft out? I have a torch set up but I just ran out of oxygen.

What would you guys do.

Thanks guys,
Yes, it should come out. Will it turn in the tube? try and turn it and punch it out. if that fails, heat the F--ker.

Put a grease fitting on it while you have it out, that way, you won't have this problem again.
No it won't turn in the tube. I tried putting the bolt in and tightening up to turn it with no luck.

The grease fitting is a great idea. Where abouts do you put the fitting?

I put mine right in the middle of the tube. Drill a small hole in the tube where you want it to be, then weld a nut over the hole and tread in your fitting. Now you can grease it once, twice, five times a day if you want. lol
you could probably get it out, unfortunatly it won't be any good when and if you do... Its made of aluminum ( i think) ( or maybe its the rear thats alum....) damn... not for sure now) ...anyway.... the tube it s in is steel. The shaft wears inside putting grooves around it and making it very hard to pound out . My suggestion is to find another suspension part . Thats exactly what I had to do with mine....good luck!
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Be gentle if possible. A bit of hammering around the tube may help loosen it a bit. Then just go back and forth with the air hammer till it breaks free. Lots of penatrating oil also.
The problem is the two metals are not compatible with each other. The steel reacts with the aluminum cross shaft because of the lack of grease and the corrosion forms. I'm sure there is so much corrosion from the aluminum shaft that you will probably not be able to remove it without destroying it. That is why yearly maintenance is so important.

I was able to get a long drill bit and drill from either end to get the majority of it out then was able to use a long bar to drive what was left in the middle out. Heat is sometimes an option, but aluminum doesn't like to be heated and then punded on, it gets soft.

Good luck.
are you sure the shaft and the arm is not bent?. i had a few bent shafts that were inpossible to get out because it was bent. why do u want to take the shaft out in the first place?
I haven't had a chance to touch the suspension yet this week I will get at it on Sat morning.

I want to take the shaft out to grease it up. I was thinking that this shaft will move when the suspension moves. Am I wrong?
When working right, the shaft will sit still bolted to the tunnel, and the tube will rotate around it.
Heat and/or an air hammer would likely remove it, but if all else fails, here is a way that was suggested to me. Take a cut-off wheel and slice the tube from end to end. Get a new crossbar. Either bend a piece of flat steel or cut a piece from a tube and weld it over the cut in the tube. Then install a grease fitting in the center of the tube where the slot is. That is probably more work than most people would want to do and they would rather buy a new frame, but for someone who commonly does metalwork and has the tools and does not mind spending the time, it is an option.
Torch outter steel tube it till its red hot, then apply Hammer, your gonna need a new inner shaft, but if you want to get it out, that will work.
Thanks for all the help guys.

I have been able to get the shaft out about 2 inches so far. I but I think you guys are right about the tube and shaft being slightly bent.

My buddy took it over to his dads last night to see if he can work some magic on it. He is a good fabricator. So I hope he can get it out.

I will also start looking for a new shaft and maybe a spare pivot arm.

Do any of you guys happen to have any spares laying around?

