track is slappin the top of my tunnel!


New member
Aug 14, 2007
Labrador, CANADA
hey guy

i have a 04 viper mtn with anti ratchets. i notice that when i get to some rough terrian my track slaps the top of my tunnel and it gets annoying. is there any way i can fix this? i have my track tight now at 1inch hang when she is lifted off the ground!

sounds like it needs to be tighter ...i belive you are suppost to hang a 20 pound weight on the track and than tighten to 3/4 or 1 inch ....i may be completly wrong ...but try to tighten it and see if that helps
You want it to hang 1 inch when you put 20lbs of downward pull on it.. Otherwise,,it should look tight!!!
also i think my antiratchets are in about 1/4" too far. anyone have the proper measurements from end to end the wahl bros anti ratchets? i hear sqeeking up by the anti-ratchets. and i can see that they rubs on the inside end of the windows in the track. ill try that to tighten it to 1" hang with 20 lb of pressure down on the track
your antiratchets should alow you to run her a little looser.. you get the idea

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well guys its still slapping my tunnel. there is a big wear from the track at the top of my tunnel. i nhave the 2" finger track on my viper. the wear is from those small upper wheels to the driveaxle. not sure what else to do! anyone know what else i can try to get rid of this. tried tightening my track and guys here have mountain max's and there track is much slacker then mine and theres will not slap there tunnel. i dont get whats going on!!
rx-1mountain said:
also i think my antiratchets are in about 1/4" too far. anyone have the proper measurements from end to end the wahl bros anti ratchets? i hear sqeeking up by the anti-ratchets. and i can see that they rubs on the inside end of the windows in the track. ill try that to tighten it to 1" hang with 20 lb of pressure down on the track

I have a diagram on measurments for the Wahls anit-ratchets for a Mountain Max. Should be the same for the Viper. PM me your E-Mail addy and I will E-Mail it to you.

Post a pic of where it hitting, and post a pic of the drivers. Measure the lugs on the 2'' finger track, and measure a 2'' paddle track. I think the finger tracks are a tad bit longer that the 2'' paddels. Might have to trim the track lugs.
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my track was the 2.25 finger track but i cut the tallest fingers off level with the rest so it must be 2" now. also my buddy has a 2.25 finger track on his mountain max and no slapping sounds from that. i dont know why mine will slap the top of my tunnel. i took my suspension off lastnight and changed all bearings and chaincase was completely done over this summer. ill try to get a picture of where its rubbing i can easily push up on the track above the front arm. but the rest is tight. why is is so loose right there? this is really getting on my nerves because im the only one who has this problem!
Could try to drop the rear suspension to the lower holes in the rear drop brackets and the holes in the center of the tunnel. THat would drop the suspesion/track down a bit.
rx-1mountain said:
she is on the top setting in center and shes at the highest setting in the back. if i put it lower it will be worst

???? Maybe I misunderstod you. There are 2 holes there. Top and Bottom, to drop the skid you want it in the bottom holes

If the center is in the top hole the rear should be on the top hole on the drop brackets.
yeah but i had it in the bottom yesterday. it was slapping the tunnel then! not sure what to do lol should burn her and get a rev haha!! jk i hope i gets it solved!!
rx-1mountain said:
yeah but i had it in the bottom yesterday. it was slapping the tunnel then! not sure what to do lol should burn her and get a rev haha!! jk i hope i gets it solved!!

Well then you would be replacing rings and recoils, you would have bigger problems than this BRP stand for Bring Rings and Pistons :bump:

Post some pics of the skid too
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i got some pictures but i got to put them on the computer then upload them. what settings is your skid on? and has your track even slapped your tunnel?
On my Mountain Max I have a 151 Challenger with anti-ratchets. I run the the top holes . I tried the bottoms but to much ski pressure for me. I do have some black marks on the top of the inside of my tunnel. But never heard it slap. And it had the black marks when I had the stock 141 Yokojunk on it.

But at slow speeds I can feel the anit-ratchets vibrate, which is normal for the anti-ratchets.
here is the pictures. you can tell on the picture of the anti-ratchets that there gently rubbing on the inside on the track windows there both need to be moved out about a cm on each side


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PM me your E-Mail addy and I will send the digram I have. I has a drawing of the drivers on the shaft. And measurments from the ends of the shaft to the drivers. And measurments from driver to driver.

To see if you drivers on on correct. Might elimate a question on the correct placement of the drivers on the shaft.
