Boost Bottle Question


New member
Nov 22, 2008
Dakota, IL
What exactly is a boost bottle for snowmobiles? I think its kinda located in the general area of the carbs.
they are a resivior that allows the carbs to balance air presure they help throttle response they are installed between carb and intake usually on intake flanges
Also, they work very well. Adding a HotSeat boost bottle to my XCSP was a noticeable performance increase. It is nice to see that Yamaha had boost bottles on some machines factory.
9801srx said:
what sled do you want one for?if it the vmax 600 you have listed in (my sled)it should all ready have one from factory.

That is what I thought. My 97 Venture 600 has one, but it also has smart carbs, so I was not aware that all 600 models had them.

I see some 700 SX/ SXR owners make their own. Perhaps some yamaha triples did not have factory boost bottles?
My sled is the 96 Yamaha Vmax 600, yes, it has them, but are stock. Are aftermarket ones gonna gain me anything?
My sled is the 96 Yamaha Vmax 600, yes, it has them, but are stock. Are aftermarket ones gonna gain me anything?

I really doubt it. The main function is to balance the airflow.
