Power Valves


New member
Nov 18, 2005
I know I may suffer the wrath of DO SEARCHES, so I will inform I HAVE, and there seems to be many differeing opinions

I am wondering what substances/tools is the best way to clean these darn valves?

The tech section goes to speak of a rounded scraper?? uh OK

I have seen over cleaner, paint thinner etc as the liquid of choice.

So in a nut shell, what is the best (or top few) methods to offer best results?

Super fine sand paper?? XX Steel Wool? Razor blade?

Oven cleaner, goo gone, paint thinner?
Chilli, since you are in Canada go to your local GM dealer and ask for GM KLEENS, it comes either in spray can or straight liquid in a bottle. Soak the PVs for 48hrs and the carbon turns to jelly, simply wipe off. I always use a toothbrush followed by a light scrubing with a scotchbrite pad and they come out perfect with very little work.

PS don't let them talk you into the "upper combustion chamber cleaner" it does work, been there done that, only "Kleens" eats the carbon.
or just old fashion elbow grease and a scotch brite pad and hot water ....takes several times tho
pv coating

I am also wondering the same thing about these pv's. I also was searching and found there is a coating on these won't the cleaners remove that?
I am on my fourth year using the stuff and hasn't eating away at the coating. I can tell you that the first few years of using a razor and abrasives pads did!
Man you'll find 100 different answers to this Q, you'll just have to try and
find witch one YOU like the best.

i like using aircraft paint stripper,strong stuff that does not take the coating
off,that coating is pretty durable you have to scrap or sand to get it off,nothing i've did has removed the coating yet.

i would not use a razor blade the risk of scratching/nick the coating is
to great,a strong solvent cleaner and elbow grease is my answer..$.02
I've used GM's cleens on the PV's as well with great success. Try this as well... since your doing the top end, get a small glass jar and put your jets in there with some "cleens"- you will see just how good it works!
ok so I called the GM dealership...they no longer carry liquid kleens...they have a similar product, 20 bucks for 430ml?? WOW

they also still have a spray type, 12 bucks for an earosol can....the problem is that isn't much liquid at all, so I may just use carb cleaner and scotch pad as noted earlier

20 bucks is expensive for 1/2 a litre
well, I am not removing the vlave itself. I removed the servo and valves with all the cables in tact, to avoid adjusting afterwards....

So in the hopes of keeping everyting attached, boiling may not work...nor would I want to do that in the house...si I think elbow b=grease, scoth pad and carb cleener is what Ill do

The PV arent bad at all either..maybe 1200K on em since last cleaning
chilli said:
well, I am not removing the vlave itself. I removed the servo and valves with all the cables in tact, to avoid adjusting afterwards....
IMO i would remove the valves from the cable so you can do a better job
instead of fumbling around with cables,it's allot easer to do, AND i would
re adjust pv's when your done, is so easy to do and you'll know there going to be right on.

if they got 1200 on them they need a cleaning,good

not picking on ya,just want to see ya do it right,and not have any problems.:)
ya, no worries, but the whole adjusting thing I am a little unclear on...they are right on the money now so thats why I was thinking Id keep em attached

So this adjusting thing, I dont want to electric trick, heard of people zapping electrical stuff.

Im sure once I do it, it'll be much clearer, but I am also a "if it aint broke, dont fix it" kind of guy too

hmmmmmmmmm...what to do, what to do
chilli said:
ya, no worries, but the whole adjusting thing I am a little unclear on...they are right on the money now so thats why I was thinking Id keep em attached

So this adjusting thing, I dont want to electric trick, heard of people zapping electrical stuff.

Im sure once I do it, it'll be much clearer, but I am also a "if it aint broke, dont fix it" kind of guy too

hmmmmmmmmm...what to do, what to do
lol....i hear ya
Buy the spray can for $12, use a small margarine container and spray enough to cover the valves. I did this and still have over half a can left. Take the valves off the cable and soak for 48hrs. Don't buy the other stuff for $20, it's the "upper combustion chamber cleaner" and doesn't work!
Chilli, as i have found out, adjusting them was easy, it was the point after adjusting them where i asked my self... did i do this right? haha. i followed the instructions but i swore i missed something!
