blue marble???


New member
Oct 15, 2007
i was going to run blue marble oil this year in one of my sleds and just wondering whats the deal with it i do have to run race fuel in the sled and i will have more motor specs on it when i pick it up tomarrow... any advise on the blue marble oil thing woud be great... i know oil has been beat down on here but haven't herd much about blue marble...
Been running it for the past few thous. miles and I like it. Barely any smoke and it doesn't stink. Cylinder walls looked great- can still see all the cross-hatching at 5300 miles. Mine is just used as a trail sled though.
I used to use it but the local supplier went out of business, So i switched to Amsoil. I had good results with it also. Very little wear on the engine parts.
Used it last winter. Very little smoke/smell. The only thing I didn't like is the pour point not as low as the synthetics. I still have 3/4 in my oil tank but since the local supplier stop carrying it I'm going with Amsoil Interceptor this year after it runs out.

Some people say the chemical reaction of blue marble to the cylinder walls making them smoother is not reversible. So maybe the best is to run it for a while then switch back to a syn? Best of both worlds.
I ran it last year.i got it cheap because my buddy bought a a 55 gallon drum.Like mentioned above there is not much smoke.
It's a great oil.I have ran them all in stock motors to my high rpm drag motors and there's still one oil i prefer after tearing motors down and inspecting them.But don't want to get into an oil debate because of nos boy sees it you know what will happen.
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Personally, I've talked with the makers of Blue Marble a FEW TIMES.... Into great length we talked ONCE... I REALLY do like Blue Marble and WOULD USE IT if KLOTZ wasn't around..
I read in a Sled magazine that Blue Marble has an increase of 2-3hp!!!! I don't know if any of you have noticed a gain in power, but apparently it was a bit noticle, thats what they said in the magazine anyways.
