

New member
Feb 24, 2008
hey guys got a buddy who just got a 09 doo 550x(fan) who wants to race me....01 sxr 500....should i take the race and laugh at him at the end or will it be the other way around...?
i dont see a fan motor out running you ...i could be wrong tho ..run him ....longer the better he might blow up :rofl:
YA*AM*A*HEAD said:
i dont see a fan motor out running you ...i could be wrong tho ..run him ....longer the better he might blow up :rofl:
lol thats what i was thinking...he might beat off the line...but i'll definitely run him down i think...any idea what the legit top end on my 500 is?
He has half the HP....but the Doo set up will probally leave you standing - on the start.

Try and run him in a rolling start race.
?????? These 2 sleds are not even in the same class. It won,t be close.
Turk said:
?????? These 2 sleds are not even in the same class. It won,t be close.
both sleds are totally stock i mean have not even been touched....i hope your saying that towards my way turk...
With vmaxjohn's simple clutching and good traction that SXR 500 can really take off. He might have you for a short distance (feet), but once you hook up it should be all over.
Ding said:
With vmaxjohn's simple clutching and good traction that SXR 500 can really take off. He might have you for a short distance (feet), but once you hook up it should be all over.
thats what i was thinking....he's more then likely going to take me off the line with his brand new ripsaw 1.25 track compared to my stock track with 4k miles on...but as you said once i hook up i think its over.
i got my wifes 500 vm delux set up so it takes my 600 xtc till about 50 then
i grow legs.

don't under estimate that 500,tune it to turn 7800 @ WOT and wate for
him to catch up..check out vmaxjohn's set up...
daman said:
well a yamaha clutch is about as good as it gets,just rebuild your's...
whats that looking to cost me...the commit clutch i was looking at was goona run between 200-300 depending on which one i got.
I said go to the dealer and get new spring for the secondary and new buttons (where the helix runs on) For the primary get a new spring and rollers, check the weights, get a new belt as well, Inspect and clean the clutches and sheaves with warm soapy water or in the dishwasher if you dare.

Not sure on the cost but I will say it would be half the price than a comet clutch or less.....

comits are no good.... as far as the ones i have ran... i ran 1 on my srx and a skipoo summit and they both flew apart the one in the srx started cracking in the weight mounts and i got it before i gernaded.... just my peice of mind on the comits... i have never had a problem with my yammie clutch and i have a high output srx....
