Larry Leaman
New member
Hi everyone, I just bought a 2003 SXViper with 5500 mls on it. It ran fine on 3 different occasions in and out doors on 3 different days. I got the sled home and off loaded it and it would not stay running. It was on a 45 degree angle for a bout 1 1/2 minuites. I started the sled and it would not stay running and it back fired 2 times and smoked alot. I hope that the sled being on a 45 moved the oil around in the engine somehow ??? Does this sound like a real machanical prolbem or something minor. Or did I get a bad machine, I am really worried. Can anyone please help me ?
Thank you,
Thank you,
That engine is one of the sweetest 2 stroke engines ever built and is very reliable. You may simply have issues with the carbs, fouled plugs, or it is out of gas. Could be something as simple as carb needle valves stuck open.
Start with the simple stuff, and if you don't find it move on to simple testing.
Start with the simple stuff, and if you don't find it move on to simple testing.
- Check for warnings on gauge (if you can get to start for a little bit)
- Check fuel level
- Check for spark - use new plugs if you have them
- Check for fuel in the cylinder (wet plugs) and exhaust system
- Check for exhaust restrictions
- Check compression
- Clean the carbs
- Check reed valves (while carbs off)
- Adjust carbs and linkages
- If nothing yet, move on to deeper diagnostics
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New member
Couldn't have said it better!!