Heat Soak

gravity criminal

New member
Jan 18, 2007
I was wondering what it means when people say that pipes start to "Heat Soak".? Could someone please inform me? Thanks
The temperature of the pipe affects the amount of power the engine will put out. When hot exhaust hits a cold (relatively) pipe, the exhaust condenses which lowers the pressure in the pipe. The pipe is tuned to give the exhaust the proper pressures for good power. When a pipe is cold, the spike in back pressure that acts to "supercharge" the fresh mixture in the cylinder is lessened and power is lost. When the pipe is heat soaked, the power will increase. Some racers insulate their pipes for less heat loss and more power.
I had a 98 MachZ that ran much stronger with hot pipes. Before I would run anyone I would take a pass or two to heat em up. I could run a guy one way with cold pipes and loose to him. Turn around and line em up again and walk him. The only difference was the pipe temperature being hotter coming back.
When I had CPRs on my MM, they would get hot and lose power after long hard pulls, making it work. It lost power until they cooled off a little, usually by opening the hood when stopped for a break, boom power was right back. Apparently this is more common in non-pv CPRs, because my PowerIncs don't do this at all.
