Here is MrSleds Site....lol http://www.totallyamaha.com/Mr_Sled/index.html
Check out the new rides for 03-04 Season
Check out the new rides for 03-04 Season

thank you, I do my best....

New member
Tom that SX-R kicks a$$.
That is one sweet looking sled.
That is one sweet looking sled.
New member
Have you ever heard the song "I want to be Tom?" LOL I'm tellin ya, that Rx ain't gonna be right till you get a 136 or longer under it 

Thanks, ganzsxr!!!!!
Grape, I know, I know.....the budget is tight this year....LOL. I have to save something to do for the next year....hehe
Grape, I know, I know.....the budget is tight this year....LOL. I have to save something to do for the next year....hehe
Nice Stuff!
The way the caption began I expected "Hi my name is Tom and I'm a Yamahaulic" Great looking machines, great looking site, great looking guy. Are you married?
The way the caption began I expected "Hi my name is Tom and I'm a Yamahaulic" Great looking machines, great looking site, great looking guy. Are you married?

lmao...funny...yes, I think I have some women living in my house...is that what you called married...hehe