Has anyone ever...


VIP Member
Feb 12, 2005
Southern Manitoba Canada
A friend of mine brought his 97 Skidoo to me to clean the carbs and clutches.
Its a 700 tripple . Why the heck are there soooo many cables running to the carbs?lol
Is there a way to remove these carbs from the sled without having to sync all these cables again.
I guess it has some exhaust valve setup also. Any tricks to removing and cleaning these up.
Clutches.Anything to look for and clean?

BTW His other sled is a 08 Phazer

They are roundslides correct?
If so, simply unscrew the tops off of each carb. No re syncing is needed if you do it this way provided the jam nuts don't come loose.
All the pics I see of 97 700 triples have mikuni VM roundslides on them. Even the 97 mach 1 does, so I don't believe they went to flatslide carbs until later.

So this should be as simple as I described.
Ya I really don't like the round VM's. My mom's Polaris has a pair of them and they needed new main jet seats and a good cleaning. My dad took it to the dealer for that. My '88 Exciter had them and I swore not to ever work on the VM's again after dealing with the tight fit that the Exciter had them mounted in.
Some of us on here have worked on a number of Rotax engines, but it is easier to simply send you to www.dootalk.com. There are a number of good people over there. Some goofs too, but they end up everywhere.
Just unscrew the enricheners out of the carbs.The rubber seals and seats should be checked and cleaned anyway.I personally think those carbs are a lot easier than the flat slides to work on.
