Oil pump/fuel pump 600 twins, no oil


New member
Nov 11, 2007
Ottawa Lake, MI
I have a 97 mtn max and I beleive the oil pump went out. Was going down the road around 60mph and just froze up. Started it back up after a new jug and piston, and it seems as if there is no oil coming out of the oil pump, but there is gas coming out of the oil line. This is the oil line that runs from the fuel pump to the oil pump. Is this supposed to be how this design works??

Thanks, Justin.
Well, I can tell you that the 97 600 twin had many problems with the original design oil pump. Usually, when they fail they dump too much oil in. Our 97 just got a new pump installed due to the original one running entirely way too rich. I need to look up the fiche, so I can send you a copy of the pdf, or an attachment of this as well. The original part has been supereceded and a new part number has been added. All 98s have this rectified, and many 97s were fixed under warranty.
baldie said:
I have a 97 mtn max and I beleive the oil pump went out. Was going down the road around 60mph and just froze up. Started it back up after a new jug and piston, and it seems as if there is no oil coming out of the oil pump, but there is gas coming out of the oil line. This is the oil line that runs from the fuel pump to the oil pump. Is this supposed to be how this design works??Thanks, Justin.
there is no fuel to oil pump line..

yamaha sleds mix the oil (oil pump send's oil to the fuel pump) in the fuel pump then send it to each carb(bowl)

usally when the '97 pumps went out they go to full flow(wide open)not stop
pumping..is your pump set right??,belt tight??

run pre-mix till you get it working right..

The pump may have an air bubble thats why no oil is coming out, it is cavetating in the air pocket. By design the pump delivers oil to the carb where it mixes with the fuel. Back the screw out on top of the pump to bleed it. Turn the motor over, the oil will push the air out of the pump. Tighten the screw and moniter the oil useage in the tank. I run the gas premixed until I see the oil level drop in the tank. The pump when bad, will stick wide open giving you gallons per mile for useage. Normally the twins are oil thirsty buggers using a quart to a tank of fuel.
Premix oil in the fuel tank if you will be running the engine and have not done that. Add some in the intake to carry over until the mixed gas gets to the engine

There may be a check valve in the fuel pump to prevent oil or fuel from flowing back through the hose, but I do not know if there is. If not or if the valve is leaking, it should be possible for gas to flow from the hose when it is disconnected.

The oil pump drive may have failed. Remove the pump mounting screws - you do not have to remove anything from the pump - and check the drive. Misalignment of the drive will cause wear of the pump drive lug. There also could be a pulley or belt problem.

It could be an internal pump failure. There are things that can happen in the pump beside the wear of the cam follower that causes higher oil usage.

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K guys, thanks for the info...

I am just a little concernd with the fuel. I guess it mixes right at the oil pump??

I have the new pump, Im going to put that on and see how she runs.

Thanks again,

baldie said:
K guys, thanks for the info...

I am just a little concernd with the fuel. I guess it mixes right at the oil pump??

I have the new pump, Im going to put that on and see how she runs.

Thanks again,


NO... it mixes at the fuel pump....

oil pump sends oil to fuel pump, fuel tank delivers fuel to fuel pump, oil and fuel are mixed (at fuel pump), then delivered to carbs.. just as Daman stated..

TJ500 said:
NO... it mixes at the fuel pump....

oil pump sends oil to fuel pump, fuel tank delivers fuel to fuel pump, oil and fuel are mixed (at fuel pump), then delivered to carbs.. just as Daman stated..


Well 2 things were said, And I wanted to make sure it was clear, as it did seem weird.. So I will have to order a fuel pump to, or get a rebuild kit for it.

I seem to remember a "check valve " issue that yamaha had on the oil line on this topic. I think yamaha even sent out a bulletin about the check valve failing and gas could get up inside your oil tank. I thought it was just for the tripples, but it could have happened to this one too ? Anyone know of such a issue happening to thiers ?
Maybe call your dealer and have them check ?
