Team secondary helix help

Bob Brown

Feb 21, 2007
I have a 2001 SXR with a 600 twin replacement engine. I am running a Team Secondary clutch with a 62/44/46 helix. Tech support at Team suggested a 58/44/46. Clutch runs well but lacks the pull to keep up with a Cat 600 twin. Anyone have good experience with helix selection for this engine?
FYI, I am also planning on going to 8 tooth drivers to be able to run a deeper track with the cooler protectors if this matters on the helix recommendation.
what are your rpms? engagement, mid, and top? is the engine stock? if so, reed spacers (1-2hp), thin head gasket (1-2 hp), and carbon tech reed petals (1-2hp) help wake the 600 up. you could also have your engine ported. probably see another 5-7hp. you should see a solid 8-12hp after those mods.
Engagement is around 4200. Top end is around 8000. Running a team red/black spring. Just purchased a spare set of reed blocks to do the reed notch trick. Or would you suggest the reed spacers? I could also mill out the new reed blocks to make spacers if that is better. Are the carbon tech reeds pedels better than stock Yamaha? If so I will order some.

Really was thinking about staying away from the head gasket mod as premium fuel is hard to find on the trails here in New Hampshire and Maine.

Do you know of anyone who has good porting specs for the 600?

Still concerned with the helix ramp angles.

Also read a tech article awhile ago about 600 twin mods but can't seem to find it again. Please let me know if you know anyone who is good with the twins.

rpms are perfect. what is your primary setup at now?

either the reed spacers, or the reed stopper notch, will open up the boost port that was being blocked off. reed stopper notch is cheaper, but the reed spacer is quicker. i have a brand new set of reed spacers w/gaskets, if you would like them.

for porting, i've had great luck w/the race logic templates. also, you could try bender racing? hauck would be a waste of money.
58-42.46 helix or somewhere in there is pretty much what all 600's run with a Team clutch so I'd say get that helix they recommended. That 62-44.46 is more of a 700/800 helix(for 130-150HP sleds).

The Team red/black spring is a 140/240 spring, just an FYI. ;)!

Get yourself three delrin washers from Dennis Kirk or somewhere like that for the Team secondary, it helps the clutch upshift better. Put one under the spring cup and one on each end of the spring. Make sure the rollers are in good shape too.
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