Polaris Help


New member
May 2, 2003
Holly, MI
I know I know, take it to totallypolaris.com.
I've done some half a$$ed searching and I gotta tell you there aren't any sled sites that compare to this one.

I having problem with the Mrs 95' XLT special.
I'm sure that the issues are with dirty carbs but I've never worked on the carbs on this one before.

It's a bugger getting the thing started. When I do get it running I have to keep the choke on or it bogs and stalls. I'm also having some sticiking issues with one of the throttle cables. This is the set up where there is one cable to the throttle control that then goes to a block with four cables coming out, one to the oil pump and one to each of the carbs.

Has anyone here had any experience with this manchine? How difficult is it working on this set up. My concern is syncronizing the carbs after disconnecting the cables. At the very least I think I'll need a new throttle cable assy and a good cleaning of the carbs.

Should do like I did with Lauri Thompson after the homecoming game in 1976 and jump right in no matter how bad a job I'm doing, or should I leave this job to the professionals?

Does anyone know of someone in SE MI that does work on these.
I just assume give business to an indpendent instead of a dealer if I have to go to someone to do the work.

Thanks for the help
That sled is almost identical mechanically wise to the 96 xcr 600 we had until only last fall.

Pull the tops of the roundslide carbs off, they simply unscrew, but make sure each jam nut is tight first. then inspect each one as you pull the cable to ensure they are all working.

More than likely you have a frayed/ broken cable. Ours did that once. I am pretty sure you will have to have the carbs re synched after you install the new cable, but you can get them close enough to get it to run by sight.

Or buy a sync tester and then you can do this when you need to yourself.

It is a pretty easy sled to work on, really.

If you need more help, hardcoresledder is a good forum, but we should be able to guide you through it.
Thanks horkn,
I'm thinking I'm just going to load it on the trailer and go get it worked on.
If I have to take it in to have the carbs synched, I may as well have it all done.
Should do like I did with Lauri Thompson after the homecoming game in 1976 and jump right in no matter how bad a job I'm doing,

Well how'd that end up, I'd say if you got that done, just jump right in a give it a shot. LOL

I thought if you screwed the top of the carb off with the cable intact, you didn't need to sync them. Gone on jump away. Maxdlx

Well I'll give it a try. Worse case is I drop it off to the shop in pieces.
To use CrewChief's saying. I think the insides of those carbs are gonna look
like "my 6th grade science project"

As for Lauri. Well I jumped in but buggered it up. On the job training without a manual.

BTW Paul, how the hell are you? I hope you and your family have a great holiday and a happy 2009
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Bischof said:
As for Lauri. Well I jumped in but buggered it up. On the job training without a manual.

Nobody's a pro their first time. :bump:

Sounds like the sled may have dirty pilot jets. They are really picky about being clean since the orifice is so small. I got a little speck of dirt in one of my pilot jets last year, couldn't have been much bigger than the tip of a sharpened pencil. The sled was an absolute PITA to start. Must've picked it up in some gas because I cleaned the carbs before the season started.
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maxdlx said:
I thought if you screwed the top of the carb off with the cable intact, you didn't need to sync them. Gone on jump away. Maxdlx

^That would be true, but if his cable needs to be replaced, then he will need a re sync. The carb slide can be removed from the cable end, but the entire cable is screwed into the top of each carb cap, and has a jam nut on that threaded cable end as well.

A new cable setup is a good idea as there are a lot of things controlled by them, 3 carbs, and 1 oil pump. It gets kind of complicated in the connector from 1 cable to 4, and crap can go bad in 13 years. We replaced ours on our XCR after about 6500 miles due to a cable fraying and binding. It obviously would be a good idea to clean the carbs as well, but there is a good chance it is getting gunked up in the cable, and one cable is not pulling correctly, or returning correctly. If any cables get frayed, it will really mess up the carburetion.
doing good, working hard to feed those hungry kids all the time. Best if wishes to you and yours, and have a safe and happy new year. Paul
Bischof said:
I know I know, take it to totallypolaris.com.
I've done some half a$$ed searching and I gotta tell you there aren't any sled sites that compare to this one.

I having problem with the Mrs 95' XLT special.
I'm sure that the issues are with dirty carbs but I've never worked on the carbs on this one before.

It's a bugger getting the thing started. When I do get it running I have to keep the choke on or it bogs and stalls. I'm also having some sticiking issues with one of the throttle cables. This is the set up where there is one cable to the throttle control that then goes to a block with four cables coming out, one to the oil pump and one to each of the carbs.

Has anyone here had any experience with this manchine? How difficult is it working on this set up. My concern is syncronizing the carbs after disconnecting the cables. At the very least I think I'll need a new throttle cable assy and a good cleaning of the carbs.

Should do like I did with Lauri Thompson after the homecoming game in 1976 and jump right in no matter how bad a job I'm doing, or should I leave this job to the professionals?

Does anyone know of someone in SE MI that does work on these.
I just assume give business to an indpendent instead of a dealer if I have to go to someone to do the work.

Thanks for the help

Hey handsome!

If you haven't torn into it yet and still need some help, PM me and we can make arrangements to have you drop it off. I'm off all next week and if you can get a cable, bring it with you so we can get 'er fixed while you wait. No sense driving from Holly twice when we should be able to get it done in an hour or two.

Might want to think about changing the needle and seats while we're in there as well. Common for them to leak and cause hard starts after a soak. Rec Liesure or Sport Mart should have everything you need... they usually have everything in stock for 38mm round slides.
Hey snomofo,

Thanks for the offer.

I tore into them yesterday. The cables looked good as far as I could tell. There were some small pices of dirt in the bowls but they really weren't that bad. I cleaned the main jets, pilot jets, pilot air screw and all the passages with carb cleaner and compressed air. I didn't see any obvious dirt in any of the jets.

After I got it all back together I pretty much had the same issue except I could restart it easily. It ran with the choke full on but would bog and stall when the choke was flipped to the middle or off positions. It also wouldn't idle on it's own, I had to keep giving it a little gas to keep it running.

After I put it all together I didn't have the sticking issue any more.

I decided to just take it into the shop today and have them fix it.

I appreciate your offer to help (and calling me handsome too!) That was really cool.
You're welcome. FYI - I would highly recommend swapping needles and seats while they're apart. Might also want to check the crank seal (PTO side) and the carb boots for cracks.

Spent a lot of time (way too much time) under the hood of those mono-block 600's.

Good luck.
Boots looked good. I did check that.
I just dropped it off and their knee jerk reaction was needles and seats.
If I'd had known.
On the one hand it's expensive but on the other it's a good sled and it's reliable, I'm better off having someone that knows what they're doing tune the carbs instead of me mucking it up.

Thanks again sno & everyone else that gave their advice!
Thompson..... thats my mothers maiden name.....uummmmm......

Never mind that. Just wanted to say whatsup Greg and Happy Holidays to all!! Have a good one out ther boys - Happy trails!!!

Side note - Sport Mart is awesome. Sooo much stuff packed into such a tiny little building, I love it.
