Plugged Pilots


New member
Oct 27, 2008
Is there anything that can be added to the fuel to dissolve whatever keeps plugging my pilot jets? It only takes about 10 minutes for one to to get plugged up after I clean it, which gets annoying quick. Also it's the jet for the same cylinder that keeps getting plugged, could it just be something in the fuel line running to that carb? I took it off and tried to clean it out as much as I could but it didn't help.
even with cleaning when they are that bad....just replace..
if you must...Ive burned the clean in a metal can with a small amount of carb cleaner (outside in a safe area ) then an blow gun when cool...a single strand of thin copper wire wirks well too..
by burn them clean do you mean the jets? I don't know how you would burn rubber clean...but the jets aren't that bad, I blow them out and they're fine for a little while.
I've taken a few strands of wire from a brake cable and used them in my drill as some sort of rotoruter kind of thing to poke thru the crud. However if you can get new ones it is a lot easier.
"It only takes about 10 minutes for one to to get plugged up after I clean it, which gets annoying quick."

You might have a fuel line breaking apart on the inside, maybe try replacing your fuel lines.
Drain fuel tank and take a look at the fuel pick-up line inside tank.there should be a sreen on the end.also flush your tank out.
