good warm helmet for glasses??


New member
Mar 22, 2005
Milltown, WI
Took my new nytro for a ride last night...brrr! I knew it was gonna be a cold sled, and it is. I'm gonna have to buy a new helmet, not just cause of the sled though, I'm just tired of fighting with my glasses in the open face helmet and goggles. Any of you guys find a good warm helmet that works well with glasses?
I was looking for a new Helmet to,and was looking at the Modular Helmets fromm Doo.They are anywhere from $399 to $699,a lot of $$$$.They look really good and has with the push of a button..a sunvisor that drops down or up.They have a good setup for breathing and supposed to be fog free.
peacock motorsports baldwin michigan .. 231 745 helmet i have ever bought are some pics it is a 44s model


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Go with the Doo modular helmet if you get a modular helmet,imo the are the only way to go,spend the extra money it is worth it. My inlaws both bought G-max modulars last year,both of them where glasses,both of them fog up with glasses. I tried to talk them into spending the extra $100 on the Doo helmets,but they didn't think they needed them. Now this year,they want me to buy them the Doo helmets for Christmas! just my .02

Heres where I bought my helmets,I had a modular1 for 6 years,and now I have the modular2, they don't make the 1's anymore.
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Doo modulars fog up too. Ive talked to people on other forums who complained about their $400 Doo modular that fogged up all the time.
If your glasses fog up that much, perhaps its time to consider contact lenses.

...there are no glasses friendly helmets.... plastic safety glasses hold up under a helmet w/o being trashed.

Did the Modular 1 helmet & there not glasses friendly...Space was a issue...& visibilty compromised.

ModularII is supposed to have corrected lenses & larger openings...

Positive chatter on BVS helmet...but alot more $$$$

This years attemp is a new Shoei V-Moto moto cross helmet..
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I got a 'Doo modular because I was tired of beating the hell out of my face trying to push them on after I had my previous helmet on.

I got just the helmet first. I stopped using the breath deflector about 10 minutes into the first ride. I fogged up my glasses non stop until I got rid of the deflector. I had to drive with the shield up a bit to get enough air.

Last year I got the $180 heated shield for the Original 'Doo modular. That was worth the price and fixed most of my issues. Oddly I have contacts now and can go back to the HJC I used to use if I needed a warmer helmet. Since I only have 1 Collette Communicator though I would have to move it to the old helmet.

I still think there is room for improvement with what I use. There is simply not large enough holes in the sides for exhaust air. I think they did not engineer it to be able to move large volumes of moist breath when you really need it.

So the option is spend $500 for a Modular and heated shield. Or go with contacts if you can and use your old helmet.

~$135 average cost for eye exam.
~$80 for 2 boxes (6 pair) of contact lenses. You'll need at least 3 boxes of each lens if they are the disposable kind per year.

I never thought in a million years that I could wear contacts. I had a real rough first week wearing them but almost 2 years later and I love them. You get over the finger in the eye real quick.
does the heated visor provide heat? or just a defrost feature? I have a hjc helmet, its a great helmet, lookin into getting a skidoo modular helmet just to have one and try it out, and have two helmets, lol.
The heated shield has a heating element that warms the inner shield (they are all 2 pane shields) a bit to keep it from frosting. No it is not warm to the touch but it is above ambient temperature.

The better shields have less obtrusive elements.
I have the BV2S and love it. The warmest helmet out there and not a hint of wind inside. Apparently the best for glasses too from what I read in the forums.
I can tell you that the GMAX helmet doesn't fog up without glasses. With glasses is a different story.... It has fogged up everytime I rode with glasses. My buddy had a doo helmet and he wears with glasses and hasn't ever had a problem.
i'm gonna have to go buy a doo helmet i think. sounds like they are pretty good. I wear contacts sometimes but my eyes get so dry when i'm indoors with them so i wear glasses alot of the time.

I'm seriously considering the lasic eye surgery...any of you guys done that? good results?
I am getting to the age where contacts don't work so well. I have worn contacts for 30+ years now. I am looking into eye surgery as well. Maybe we should start a new post about snowmobiling after lasik surgery.
