questions about my 500


New member
Sep 17, 2007
Hi, I have a 99 Vmax 500, I was wondering what should the clutches engage at? Mine engages at 4500 My sled seems to rev high (6000) and Im only going about 35 mph... Is that right? Also do you need a clutch puller to pull the secondary clutch to adjust belt deflection? Do you have to take the clutch off to adjust belt deflection? Thanks...
EDIT: Also what is the max RPM it should turn when I hold it WFO?
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phazerBILL said:
Hi, I have a 99 Vmax 500, I was wondering what should the clutches engage at?all depends on how they had the clutch set up,you know what's inside,spring, weight arms? yea that seems to high
Also do you need a clutch puller to pull the secondary clutch to adjust belt deflection?no Do you have to take the clutch off to adjust belt deflection?yes Thanks...
EDIT: Also what is the max RPM it should turn when I hold it WFO?i beleive 7800,around there
No sir, this is my first sled, I believe it is pretty stock? I asked the buyer and he says he hasnt touched it(older trail riding gentlemen)....I believe it engages right around 4500 but i have gotten the sled right up around 85 then let off, I think its working pretty good, just sounds like alot of RPMS on the lower side...
well a qwick fix for you would get the color marking off the primary spring
take it to your dealer and have em get a softer preload spring and put it
in,that will lower engagement r's for ya...

they'll be some painted on strips on the spring coils, like say yellow-green-yellow.
Alright thanks, I'm thinking about putting my spare belt(Gates extreme(Freebie from friend) ) on then taking of the secondary to put sheaves in....Do you just unbolt it then bolt it back up?
There is just the one bolt to take the secondary off, take out the bolt, and it will just slide off the shaft. Then on the back of the secondary there are three small screws for adjusting the belt deflection. add washers to make the belt sit higher on the sheaves or take them out to make the belt sit lower. I think i said that right. Dont know if you already knew that or not...

also for your engagement, I believe your belt and belt deflection depending on what kind of shape the belt is in/ proper setup of deflection, can effect engagment. stock, it should engage at 4000 so you realy arent too far off, i personaly prefer a little higher engagement.

at WFO it should be running 7800 as previously stated.

for the high rev. at slow speeds, is there any low end bog at all around thoughs speeds?

also if the clutches havent ever been touched, what's the mileage on the sled, it might be time for the clutches to be rebiult.
yes like hoffam19 said belt deflection should be checked too,always good idea to check that as that could effect engagement also..
