2007 apex GT suspension questions


New member
Dec 28, 2007
I owned a 03 RX-1 last season I did not like the suspension but loved the 4 stroke power. I sold this machine and purchased a 07 Apex GT with 1800 miles on it. I rode it for the first time yesterday and the trails were rough as I was trying to keep up with my son on a 07 600IQ I felt like I was riding a bucking bronco. I swaped with him and he made the same comment. I hope with some set up I can improve this. May be I choose the wrong machine. I felt I did my home work but not sure. I read a lot of post about valving the rear shock is this a must? Is there any adjustments that can be made with out the revaleving the shock? I weigh 190lbs do I need to change springs to stop the bottoming out? could the shock just be bad? The unit still has warranty would taking it in do any good or is bottoming out common with a stock machine? Thanks
Check the TY 4 Stroke Forum under Apex/Attak, general quections or do a search. There is a lot of great information available at that location.

promod17 said:
I owned a 03 RX-1 last season I did not like the suspension but loved the 4 stroke power. I sold this machine and purchased a 07 Apex GT with 1800 miles on it. I rode it for the first time yesterday and the trails were rough as I was trying to keep up with my son on a 07 600IQ I felt like I was riding a bucking bronco. I swaped with him and he made the same comment. I hope with some set up I can improve this. May be I choose the wrong machine. I felt I did my home work but not sure. I read a lot of post about valving the rear shock is this a must? Is there any adjustments that can be made with out the revaleving the shock? I weigh 190lbs do I need to change springs to stop the bottoming out? could the shock just be bad? The unit still has warranty would taking it in do any good or is bottoming out common with a stock machine? Thanks

If you bottom out too much it will crack the rails where the rear bogie wheeks are on the inner part of the suspension..Well thats what yamaha told me and wont warrenty my rails because the dealer didnt set up my sled rite the first time..
Now back to the shock you can tighten up the spring preload to get your ride back..their should be a control in the hand warmer to stiffen up the ride if you have olhens shock..
Get the shocked revavled!

Yamaha didn't get the shock valing right for 07. They made huge changes for 08 after alot of compliants. I would get someone who knows how to valve the shock for your weight a try. That is the cheapest way to make the sled right better. If you want a similar ride to your sons iq, you will have to put in a zx2 skid or a expert x. I would go with the zx2, just for its ease of adjustments. Will be a totally different sled and if you plan to keep it for a few years, money well spent.
If you are hearing any "clunking" from the skid, you may have a blown shock. mine has done the same, and I had Pioneer Performance revalve it. Although I haven't had mine out this season with the revalve yet, I have heard nothing but good comments about his service, and all the feedback has been great. it will make the sled handle even better than it did in stock form.
promod17 said:
I owned a 03 RX-1 last season I did not like the suspension but loved the 4 stroke power. I sold this machine and purchased a 07 Apex GT with 1800 miles on it. I rode it for the first time yesterday and the trails were rough as I was trying to keep up with my son on a 07 600IQ I felt like I was riding a bucking bronco. I swaped with him and he made the same comment. I hope with some set up I can improve this. May be I choose the wrong machine. I felt I did my home work but not sure. I read a lot of post about valving the rear shock is this a must? Is there any adjustments that can be made with out the revaleving the shock? I weigh 190lbs do I need to change springs to stop the bottoming out? could the shock just be bad? The unit still has warranty would taking it in do any good or is bottoming out common with a stock machine? Thanks

The IQ rides like a plush caddy compared to your Apex. Sorry ,but its true. I had a chance to ride an Apex and the IQ last year in the trails. It was a very smooth ride compared to the Apex and my Viper. The Apex I rode already had all the upgrades done to the suspension as well. I love my Yammies but they could really step it up in the rear suspension dept. Don't get me wrong, you can improve the ride of your Apex but it will not be the same as the IQ unless you change the skid. IMO
