Tmx Flatslide Issues


New member
Dec 21, 2008
I RUN TMX 38's taperbored to 44's by Aaen on my 944 union bay MM....My problem is the carb boots are at too much of an angle for the level float boals on the TMx carbs,,,,,stock carbs have a angled fuel bowl to match the slope on motor ,,,and intake boots....The TMX's dump fuel when going down steep hills,,,or If I stop to help a stuck buddy,,,parking the sled downhill it floods...It also floods no the trailer ride up to the snowpark....I have adjusted the float bowl levels so far,,, it became lean,,,and went back the other direction.....Also tried PSI performance hanging floats ,,,but that was worse,,,So I might have ruined the Carbs,,,because float pins got bent during removal,,,and I need to find a way to put TMX sliding float pins back in????? With the orginal floats?????? ANY help would be appreciated,,,,,,Maybe there is some intake boots out there that will help?????
